TERFs are women? How can you tell?! Did you do a genital inspection?!?!
What’s funny is they will use the term TERF to describe non-feminist, (let alone non-radical feminist) women. But they always, always use the term towards biological women. They evidentially know what a woman is, very clearly. Because they love targeting women.
TERF is used like a female dehumanizing slur, to describe stupid ol’ “cis” women who shouldn’t be allowed to advocate for themselves (and must be controlled by a magical mold because women can’t possibly have a reason to stand up for themselves).
Sometimes we're evil conservative Christian hyper-feminine Karen housewives. Other times we're self-loathing ultra-closeted trans men who need to get on T.
Who knows?
Schroedinger's TERF: a woman when you want her support, and not a woman when you want to murder her.
It's pretty amazing how TRAs have managed to convince a good chunk of women to both slur and throw other women under the bus... for MEN.
Here’s the thing, libbybakalar: we’re not using other women as kindling because transwomen are not women.
Disagree? Provide a definition of woman that is logical, tangible, and non-circular.
Until your movement can do that, don’t expect us to do anything other than scoff when you repeat nonsense like “transwomen are women”.
AND provide a definition of women that includes TIMs but not TERFs, whom are actually being used as kindling.
Plus, TIMs wouldn't have anything to do with women's liberation if they weren't currently enslaving women to serve their perverted lust.
If TIMs had stayed out of women's spaces we wouldn't even mention them in our fight. Because they wouldn't matter any more than any other group of men.
But they are enslaving us, so we fight them.
Quit sticking your log in women’s spaces if you don’t want me to set it on fire 🤷♀️
Funny since that's exactly what handmaidens are doing
I legit thought this image was about women who demonise women like JKR, Riley Gaines etc
Too bad they don't keep that same energy for the men who actually assault and kill them. It's like deep down, their maleness doesn't allow them to hold other men responsible for the actual violence being committed against them.
Funny- this is why I never used the word "TERF" or any slur to describe women, even when I was a TRA. I actively told people "say transphobe or bigot, but TERF is a female slur that is being used to call for violence against this class" and I have been banned. At the time I did not connect the dots, but they love and often fetishize violence against women.
It’s really obvious too, they don’t even have an equivalent word for men
r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a damn joke, like all the other "women only" subs that prioritize male feelings.
The first rule of burning down the patriarchy is, women don't take instructions from men on how to do it.
Why ask a fish about how to catch it (and fillet it), after all ;)