And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.
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This circle does not exist to prove that transgender males are more violent than other people or to condemn them. It exists to show that transgender males commit violence and crimes at the same rate as other males, which is vitally important to acknowledge in making changes to public policy.
The circle is a database to keep track of news stories involving transgender crime to bring truth to the false narrative that this violence "never happens."
This truth is significant for the rights of women and our sex-based protections in law. It is also important to recognize so that proper statistics (crime and otherwise) are collected and adequate resources are allocated to women's specific needs.
Correct pronoun use by the paper, and correct sexing by the police spokesperson!
And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.