Welcome to TransLogic!
This is the Radical Feminist Circle to document the various illogical, incorrect, misogynistic, racist, and otherwise caustic rhetoric spouted from TRAs and MRAs in their own words.
The lies, misinformation, threats of extreme violence, and the dehumanization of women who dare speak up against this misogynistic, racist and conservatively homophobic ideology are legion. TRA and MRA stochastic terrorism has already turned to real world violence against women and children.
Use this Circle to record what they say -In Their Own Words-
Note: this circle is also to showcase the lies, fallacies, and misogyny of men in general, whether or not they are trans-identified. This can include MRAs, TRAs, or just your average Joe.
Rules updated as of 22 Nov 2024.
Posts can be removed by mods for any reason for the health of the community including ones that don’t land or are confusing.
Tip: If you aren't sure where a post should go, check out o/ItsAFetish and o/Radfemmery to decide whether or not those would be better circles to post in.
Rule 1: Appropriate Posts
This circle is for Screenshots of TRAs/MRAs. The preferred format is a screenshot as the post with an archived link for the screenshotted information in the comments.
*We no longer accept outside links, only uploaded screenshots. The ability to upload is unlocked when a user's account reaches level 3 on Ovarit.
*Screenshots should be sized so the text is readable on a phone screen. No screen shots of long articles that are too small to read on a phone.
*For Twitter, please screenshot the tweet/thread rather than linking directly. Utilize the archive function and imgur.
*NO direct linking to TikTok, Reddit, YouTube, or misogynistic accounts (i.e. Blaire White or Contrapoints' Youtube channels).
NO genital pictures, including neovaginas and neophalluses. Mastectomies and breast implants will be taken on a case-by-case basis. NO MEDICAL PICTURES OF MINORS ARE ALLOWED
NO text posts or copypasta.
Rule 2: The NO List
NO misogyny, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, ageism, colorism.
*NO slurs: No n-words, misogynistic slurs (ex: bitch, slut, terf, cis), t-slurs or their derivatives (ex: trunacy, troon, Timmy, Timothy)
NO debating. Take debates to other circles. Do NOT debate tenets of various philosophies here. No derailing or sealioning. No DARVO.
NO posting about minors.
NO template gripes.
NO conversion therapy (aka "genital preferences are transphobic") or other right-wing, conservative talking points allowed.
NO joking about any and all illegal activity that could actually happen
NO talking about downvotes. For the love of all that is female, STOP talking about downvotes. Mods are sick of it. No griping about how many downvotes your comment or post got, or another person's comment or post got. Those comments will be deleted even if they accompany otherwise good commentary.
Rule 3: Redactions
Reddit names do NOT need to be redacted, neither do Chapo Chat names, etc.
Do not redact the Twitter handles of TRAs and misogynists.
Verified users are always fair game.
We do NOT protect misogynistic men and their sycophants. Record any and all misogynies.
Sitewide Rules and Sitewide Guidelines are enforced here.
The thing that TRAs say doesn't happen keeps happening again and again 😪