MoonflowerSeptember 8, 2024

As a woman who intentionally went through pregnancy more than once (along with all of the associated discomforts and sacrifices) because I wanted children, I would instantly judge these comments as some porn-fueled fetish shit without even knowing where they were posted (and surprise surprise itā€™s men).

Committing_TerverySeptember 8, 2024(Edited September 8, 2024)

Yeah I donā€™t know any women who have ever wanted to be pregnant ā€œsolely for the experienceā€ without having kids. Also, Iā€™m a woman who has never wanted to be pregnant/have children before; tbh, the utter thought scares the shit out of me. I also wouldnā€™t want all the permanent changes to my body, like how it basically rearranges your organs and stuff. Just nope.

ALoudMeowSeptember 9, 2024

Yeah, to me it sounds like body horror too. Happily Iā€™m too old now to befall such a fate.

samsdatSeptember 9, 2024

ā€œThe experience,ā€ like itā€™s a summer on the Mediterranean or skydiving. I try not to hate these people, but things like this make it very hard.

TheCampusTerfSeptember 9, 2024(Edited September 9, 2024)

The two week pregnancy scare I had 6 months ago was some of the most stressful time of my college experience. I canā€™t believe these dudes fantasize about having children as a means of affirmation. Itā€™s not some fairytale dream state for real woman at all, for most of us itā€™s just stressful. What freaks.

HareSeptember 8, 2024

Lol well good news, they will never be able to experience that.

faerieberrySeptember 8, 2024

Oh yeah, every woman wants the experience of morning sickness, having to pee all the time, your feet get bigger, youā€™re probably sore, constipated OR get IBS, have a chance of getting diastasis recti, tired all the time, your organs literally get squished and rearranged inside you, baby kicking your ribs or organs (Iā€™ve heard of a woman whose baby kicked so hard her rib broke!) etc etc etcā€¦ and then going through childbirth, possibly tearing (some womenā€™s clitorises end up torn!) maybe a c section, etc etcā€¦.

Disclaimer that Iā€™ve never been pregnant, these are just some of the more well known effects of pregnancy, thereā€™s dozens more

Fluffy_genderSeptember 9, 2024

Yes, pregnancy is awesome, nausea is amazing, fatigue is great. Hating certain normal smells is also a great experience Back pain is so much fun, as are swollen feet. And worrying if the baby is OK - so great indeed. Getting complications is even more fun. Who doesn't want to experience gestational diabetes and having to test your blood sugar after every meal? Awesome. Preeclampsia is also very exciting - it's life threatening after all, what can be more exciting than that! Having to go on bed rest is a great perk indeed. Why wouldn't you want to just experience it for the fun of it, no need to want a baby at all?

[Deleted]September 9, 2024

My skin in my second pregnancy got so thin near the umbilical hernia baby #2 gave, me you could see her fucking feet. It was a literal body horror. Also pregnancy # 3 was a multiples pregnancy and gave me preeclampsia, which has massively increased my risk of heart disease, which is absolutely awesome. šŸ˜Ž not to mention the emergency c section, messed up pelvic floor, and the month long nicu stay for my twins.

SomeoneElseTired Of ThisSeptember 9, 2024

My sister kicked so hard my momā€™s ribs cracked. I came along roughly two years later and broke them.

I was born at almost ten pounds. My mom was 100 pounds at the time. I was about 1/10th her total weight. I was also almost two feet long. Pregnancy is scary and dangerous.

TheChaliceIsMightierDickPocket=/=VagSeptember 9, 2024

Don't even get me started on the post nasal drip and the hemorrhoids.

[Deleted]September 9, 2024
OneryBoxSeptember 9, 2024

I don't know any woman besides Instagram influencers that enjoy pregnancy. It is also not even a hopeful, joyous thing for many women. I've gone through pregnancy twice, and they ended in stillbirths. Miscarriages are very common. There is a lot of stress and worry involved. I've seen a woman freak out and have a panic attack because they drank a kombucha and didn't realize it had a tiny bit of alcohol in it and they were sure they'd just fucked up their baby for life. Pregnancy is hard and tiring, but we still have to be functional members of society. Most of us still have to work full-time, or take care of other children full-time while feeling like garbage for months. There are a lot of complications that can happen. With my first pregnancy I got pre-eclampsia and almost died and my baby did die.

I hate that TIMs take every part of women's experiences and view them through fetish, delulu glasses. They think pregnant women just frolic around and "glow" and get a bunch of attention, ooh how fun! Fuck off.

TheChaliceIsMightierDickPocket=/=VagSeptember 8, 2024

If I could skip the pregnancy and just fastforward even to labor and getting the baby, I would.

DeafCatMeowSeptember 9, 2024

Every part of a woman's biology is part of the fetish.

FluffyFuzzSeptember 9, 2024

I hope I never get pregnant.

Fluffy_genderSeptember 9, 2024

Even so, many women desperately want to get pregnant, but not because of the "experience" but because of the baby

FluffyFuzzSeptember 9, 2024

Of course, and that's understandable. But for me, the only way I could possible get pregnant is from rape, since I'm a lesbian

Fluffy_genderSeptember 9, 2024

Or artificial insemination if you so choose, but it looks like it's not for you