Just more proof that being a handmaiden doesn't pay off in the end. These scrotes hate women as a whole. So, when they get tired of abusing the nearest TERF, they'll find a reason to kick their pet handmaiden
"Cis" woman complimenting trans'women' does have the same energy as Regina George complimenting her classmate's skirt only to turn around a moment later to say "that's the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen". I'm surprised it took scrotes this long to pick up on backhanded compliments. Men are socially inept though, so I shouldn't be all that surprised I guess.
Don't worry, bruh, I will never call you pretty. I might start complimenting these men on their outfits though, like "it's always cool when a man wears a dress! Expanding styles for men, I love it! Don't box you in!"
Yes, Mr Bridge Troll, you are a vision of horror and a danger, and women around you are only fawning for their own safety. Now stop whining, stop crossdressing, and get a job in a male-only setting.
So their response to a compliment is a horrific misogynistic insult, but somehow they're the victims?? Make it make sense
You'll never win with males.
And this is especially true with TIMs
They hate us 'cause they ain't us. And this is true for their handmaidens as well
Hey TIMs, this is the logical conclusion of trying to force and coerce people into compliance… deep down you’ll always suspect everyone is just humoring you. Living a lie tends to work that way. Feel free to stew in resentment about it, but it’s your own fault. If you can’t appreciate the motives of handmaidens who go out of their way to blow smoke up your ass, at least the terves respect you enough to be honest. 😘
That commentary at the end is so true. Men hate noncompliant women, but somehow they hate the women who act the way men say we should even more. TRA handmaidens, tradwives, pickmes—none of them have ever earned a sexist man’s respect for their obedience and in many cases are still the targets of their outright contempt. If you’re going to be hated by men anyway, might as well choose the option where you can walk away with dignity.
If you can’t appreciate the motives of handmaidens who go out of their way to blow smoke up your ass, at least the terves respect you enough to be honest. 😘
For real. We are kinder to them than their pet handmaidens
If you’re going to be hated by men anyway, might as well choose the option where you can walk away with dignity.
This should be shouted from the rooftops. Men will hate you and mistreat you regardless of whether you're a progressive handmaiden, a far right tradwife, an anti-feminist pick-me, a TERF, etc. So you might as well center women and ignore what men want
"so there's this elephant in the room except she thinks you're the elephant..."
Oh man! 😂
"there's a man in the room and you know she knows it's you and you know it's you too"
The 2016-tumblr-writing-style really worked better for teenage girls talking about their
a e s t h e t i c
moments, and isn’t so cute on this guy.
So we are doing the right thing by ignoring and grey rocking them 😂
If only the handmaidens knew!
I honestly love how honest this is. Hashtag ListenToTransPeople
I really wish the handmaidens actually read what these people think of them. They would go from TRA to peaking at the speed of light.
Sadly, the handmaidens would just bury their heads in the sand and shout "not my Nigella! My trans friends LOVE me and are super feminist!"
Right? Plaster this shit on billboards in blue cities. Women have the right to know what they're shilling for.
He sounds scary. It really doesn't pay to interact with them. I feel sorry for anyone who has a young daughter right now.
dreaming you're out in public and suddenly realise you have no pants on and also maybe there's a killer.
If he didn’t know what he was doing, this is like a violence against women Freudian slip.
Why can't these men write one single coherent sentence?! That was horrible to read and not only because of the asinine message lol
I get that English is a second language to many and I don't except people to be the second Shakespeare or something. But sheeeshhh it really shows that the longest thing these dudes ever read/wrote was probably a comment on Pornhub.
So I looked up the OP of the screenshot Tumblr post and this is the bio on their profile "he/her but I decide when 'he' is misgendering". Prepare to get chewed out and reported to HR for not reading his...erm I mean 'her', mind.
Well then, if kindness makes you a cunt, that means I can just jump straight to misgendering him anyway. 🤷🏻
if the women who lie at their behest are horrible then we might as well tell the truth.
These guys are never satisfied no matter what we do. So we might as well tell them to fuck off
wtf is this loser even on about
if you're so fucking insecure about yourself that you're leaping to defensive conclusions for being paid a compliment you need to touch grass
Hahahaha. They want everyone to pretend their lie is true, but in the back of their minds they know it’s not true, and when women are a little too supportive, it ruins their fantasy because they can tell we are lying for them.
They want us to lie for them convincingly! Please, keep up 😂