vulvapeopleMarch 24, 2025

The backlash against transsexuals is an attempt to hold onto one of the last controllable vestiges of sacrosanctity. It is far easier to bully a trans woman on the internet with "YWNBAW" copy pasta than it is to reign in the nuclear war machine, or to stop climate change and ecological collapse.

LOL, we're on the brink of collapse, so it's imperative to waste resources on trying and failing to turn men into women and women into men and especially to waste time, money, and energy on forcing the whole world to play pretend with delusional people.

I submit that, if the backlash is tied to fears about collapse in any sense, it's a response to wasting resources on total nonsense. How much waste is involved with "gender identity" is not my number one concern about it, but it nevertheless pisses me off and contributes to my sense of hopelessness about the future. It's a very visible way society is pissing away scarce resources, to the detriment of the majority, no less.

crodishfuck this earthMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)

Theseus' ship theory doesn't hold here because you didn't change anything out that counts.

You remodelled your Prius to look like Ferrari on the outside but the engine and workings and oil needed and performance is still a Prius.

No one is going to buy this at the price of a Ferrari from you unless they are completely naive about Ferraris, and no one is going to believe it will hold up in a race car full of other Ferraris.

If someone KNEW it was really a Prius, just modelled to look like a Ferrari, and didn't mind it, good for everyone involved, no deception here.

Trying to pass the modified Prius off as an actual genuine Ferrari, then crying that people are Prius-phobic, admits you know it's a Prius yourself but are demanding everyone just play along because.... reasons.

If you truly changed everything out to be a Ferrari, cool. The fact is, you didn't. You can't. You never will. The whole thing WOULD be a Ferrari at that point, but transwomen still have male cells, still can't menstruate or get pregnant, still don't have a vagina, still don't have female cells, etc etc etc go talk to your gay buddies who need surrogates, or your cis porn only subs, if you don't believe us. Most of you fuckers are still crowing about wanting to rape TERFs with your girldick while declaring yourself a woman.

Go fuck yourselves. "terf trans alliance" is just another wolf in sheep's clothing. there is no common ground.

"But clownfish can change sex!" Yeah. They did. The male-now-actually-female clownfish will go from inseminating to being able to lay eggs. That's how they were determined to have BECOME female, or they would have still been listed male.

Humans can't change sex.

Shot_DunyunMarch 22, 2025

Go fuck yourselves. "terf trans alliance" is just another wolf in sheep's clothing. there is no common ground.

This is just TIMs asking you to let them in again and asking you to concede space. Again.

Oh but this time they put up a WELCOME banner! Bought it at the drugstore and everything! "WELCOME TERFS! Now shut the fuck up and get educated you dumb cunts."

Never, ever, ever give these people anything, even once. They see only weakness.

Transgenderism is a death cult that recruits children.

ChronicityMarch 23, 2025

I hate to agree with you, but you’re right. In fact, the very concept of a terf trans alliance is oxymoronic.

The TIPs in that subreddit are able to espouse whatever they want to justify their beliefs, but that freedom is not granted to those who believe transwomen are men (and yes, that is what you are r/ratina…I don’t care one whit about what you look like or how thoroughly you’ve mutilated your body). As long as one side is granted more degrees of freedom than the other, the subreddit will just be a place where wannabe Blaire Whites go to get their “one of the good ones” validation from women who have only partially completed their peaking journeys.

mathloverMarch 22, 2025

But but but... they all say the same nonsense.

I've been taking estrogen (and whatever other drugs) for 5 years and it's changed my body. That makes you a man taking estrogen (and whatever other drugs).

I dress and act very feminine and have had voice training. That makes you a man who dresses and acts feminine and tries to disguise his voice.

I have grown breasts and my body has changed to be softer and smell different. That makes you a man with gynecomastia and mild skin changes. But you still smell male.

I got an orchiectomy so I don't make all that testosterone anymore. That makes you a man who had himself castrated.

I got bottom surgery and have a vagina now instead of a dick and balls. That makes you a man who got plastic surgery to mutilate his genitalia into a poor imitation of a vagina.

Whatever they do is always a male doing it.

StrawberryCoughMarch 22, 2025

"I always hated GI Joes and only played with Barbies"

"I only ever top from the bottom"

mathloverMarch 22, 2025

"I always hated GI Joes and only played with Barbies" That makes you a man who liked playing with Barbie and didn't like GI Joe when you were a boy.

"I only ever top from the bottom" That makes you a man who likes to do whatever topping from the bottom means.

Lemonade_MasqueradeMarch 22, 2025

Oh my God.

"Female" is just the combination of sounds we use in the English language to describe when an animal reproduces with two sexes, which group makes the eggs.

"Woman" is just the combination of sounds we use in the English language to describe the group that consists of humans who are Female and adult.

You can compare to "hen" which is just the combination of sounds in the English language that describes a group that consists of chickens who are female.

That's it. Nothing more. They are words that describe a thing because that's why we have words. Everything else is your preconceived sexist baggage that you can't seem to get over.

GenderHereticMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)
Shot_DunyunMarch 22, 2025

No you don't understand, it's different.

I'd explain why it's different, but just like everyone else who is about to explain why it's different I'm suddenly in a big hurry gotta go byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

GenderHereticMarch 22, 2025

It's different because any other form of trans besides transgender would negatively affect men!

Jack_the_LassMarch 22, 2025

God I hate postmodernism.

SonnetMarch 22, 2025

Obscuring mediocre arguments in postmodern framing is currently the worst part of that sub.

Shot_DunyunMarch 22, 2025

It is the cancer that is eating modern civilization.

spacykateMarch 22, 2025

Almost all tra screeds have some half baked philosophy that they just don’t understand all that well in there somewhere. At some point reading trans drivel I realized that they are all not very smart.

Lady_MerlinMarch 22, 2025

Someone is trying to sound intelligent, but it’s not working.

ChronicityMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)


They banned me from that subreddit when u/ratina_filia couldn’t handle my dgaf approach to speaking the truth. It was a little amusing that he couldn’t keep his head from exploding, but in the end it was probably best I was banned. Dude seems like he’s actually on the verge of a nervous breakdown (his writing is a mess of word salad), and a dose of TERF-administered reality could easily push him off the cliff he is precariously dancing upon. The tragic thing is that his reaction only confirms my belief that the most delusional TIMs are the ones who think they are saner than the rest.

Then the fool who wrote the OP is another one overly impressed by the specious ramblings his mind uses to justify his lunacy.

salamander [OP]March 22, 2025

Was the sealioning post about you?

How about the other mods? Are they actually "moderate" GCs or just pretending to be GC?

ChronicityMarch 22, 2025

Yup I am the sealion. LOL. I triggered him to start a couple other threads too. I’m telling you, nothing rattles them more than us holding up a mirror and forcing them to see how they are seen by others.

I believe the mods care more about pacifying the asylum patients than advancing honest dialogue. Posters were trying to tear out my jugular and didn’t even get warned. Meanwhile, I don’t even know what I said that got me banned,

atomic_brunette👁️👄👁️March 23, 2025


Your reply there was hilarious. It made my day.

crispycherrypieMarch 22, 2025

This might be an argument if most trans people passed, but that's not the case. Of all the trans people I met over 4 years of transition, only 1 passed. So nevermind the ship of Theseus, we can't even put Lego ship sets together yet


OnlyHumanMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)

From what I can tell from the comments (it is really hard to tell) the other ones are all dealing with some far future philosophical problem that has absolutely nothing to do with our current trans cohort

If you put a person with strictly male socialization, and a strictly male set of life experiences into an unquestionably female body, do you have a woman, or do you have a man with a problem?

What if we actually find souls, we can turn people into their fursonas in real life, and we figure out how to teleport people? We don't know, therefore my arm sausage is in fact actually a penis and your crotch hole is actually a vagina

Don't even get me started on how utterly vague the above statement is. Could be souls, could be brain transplant, could be just memory, could be super futuristic genetic technology- how this is achieved does in fact matter very, very much. And the two options provided as answers are intended to railroad.

crispycherrypieMarch 22, 2025

I find these thought experiments to be absolute nonsense.

When I was a kid and was discussing abortion, a girl asked me "how would you feel if your parents had aborted you?" and to this day, I think it's a nonsense question. I wouldn't feel anything because I wouldn't be alive.

It's the same with the "but what if you woke up in a different body" gotcha TRAs use. It's not possible, so the question is meaningless.

vulvapeopleMarch 24, 2025

I saw something attributed to Vivienne Musk a few days ago where he allegedly lamented his parents choosing a male embryo via IVF. And, it's like, if his father weren't so obsessed with having mostly, or exclusively, sons, and he and Vivienne's mother had chosen a female embryo instead, then Vivienne Musk would not exist. A daughter, i.e. an actual female, would exist instead of him.

crispycherrypieMarch 25, 2025

Exactly this.

StrawberryCoughMarch 22, 2025

And that person was probably an FTM.

MignonetteMarch 22, 2025

Well, no. Because no parts are even being replaced. Some trans people merely self mutilate (or rather have somebody else do it for them), and then call what remains of their original body parts something else. It's like taking a saw to your leg, cutting off the lower part to make it shorter, sewing your toes back onto the stump, and pretending it's an arm because it's now roughly the same length as your real arms. It's not. It's still a leg. Or rather what remains of one. The same is true of an inverted penis. It's still a penis. It's just been cut up and stuffed inside the body. Same goes for women who get a mastectomy. They're still women, they've just had body parts removed. And when they sew flesh from their arm to their crotch, that's not actually a penis, it's just a scarred roll of flesh that's in roughly the same spot a penis would be (well... If they're lucky, because I've seen surgeons get that part spectacularly wrong).

crodishfuck this earthMarch 22, 2025

It's like taking a saw to your leg, cutting off the lower part to make it shorter, sewing your toes back onto the stump, and pretending it's an arm because it's now roughly the same length as your real arms.

This is a real procedure for people who lost limbs, and I'm sure you referenced it on purpose. The grafted limb functionally becomes a new "knee", or "elbow", but no one believes it literally became an actual biological elbow or knee. It's simply a stand-in or replacement for the real thing.

People with limb grafts at least can say it's working for them. Trans people who get "neophalluses" and "neovaginas" - the fake "phallus" can't get erect without a pump, can't shoot sperm, can't feel much because there's no pleasure sensations in arm skin, can't even pee right without having strictures or infections 80% of the time, and their "balls" will never produce sperm. It's rolled up arm or thigh or stomach skin. It's like trying to put a wet omelette into a letterbox.

The fake "vagina" only works for men because they keep their prostate, the one thing women will never have because we aren't male. They have no uterus. The "vagina" heals shut if they don't bust it open until scar tissue forms. It's an inversed penis that no longer functions as one. You'd get more pleasure out of your existing hole - which is actually muscle - than the surgically forced one, which is scarred skin.

Idiots really think the surgeries work. Nothing was changed, nothing was reassigned, and enjoy the rest of your shortened, miserable lifespans chasing a fetish.

CattitudeMarch 22, 2025

Ship of Theseus? I've only ever heard it described as grandfather's axe.

Oh and it's "rein in", not "reign in". Nothing to do with rule, it refers to riding (and "reign in" doesn't even make sense).

faerieberryMarch 22, 2025

Omg… I know it’s “rein in” and when reading the post, it didn’t even click that that’s actually what they meant 😂 like, “reign? this sentence makes no sense? oh well, moving on”

notapatsyMarch 22, 2025

So happy to see someone who understands that it's "rein in."

CattitudeMarch 22, 2025

My teeth are worn down from grinding them every time I see this stupid, stupid error!

notapatsyMarch 22, 2025

I suppose the charitable response is that it's a metaphor from the past, when people were more familiar with horses. But surely the fact that people read less and less is responsible for confusing the two homophones "rein" and "reign."

I also grind my teeth at "of" when used to mean "have," as in "She should of...".

CattitudeMarch 22, 2025

That one has irritated me for years!

salamander [OP]March 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)

Sorry. But you have to go to the thread itself. The comments are hilarious.


GenderHereticMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)

That top comment just about killed me 🤣🤣🤣

Verily, such ruminations penetrate the abyssal strata of ontological inquiry. My noetic faculties falter before the vertiginous profundity of your exegesis. Yet I tentatively apprehend your axiom: that through biotechnical telos, the transfeminine essence may asymptotically approach the morphogenesis of XX gynetic primordium, transcending the vestigial ontology of XY andric substrata.

To quantify this metamorphic potential, we must first construct a hermeneutics of sexual dimorphism across the sexuate manifold—a topological continuum resisting Euclidean reduction. What metric tensor might govern its geodesic trajectories? Without consensus on the Lebenswelt of chromosomal dasein, we wander an aporetic labyrinth, clutching Cartesian coordinates in a non-Euclidean space.

Epistemically, I align with your teleological conjecture. When the clinamen of medical praxis converges with CRISPR’s daedalian precision, might we not witness the transubstantiation of chromosomes? Imagine somatic algorithms rewriting geno-texts within ontic vector spaces, rendering autopoiesis as malleable as hermeneutics.

Perchance, at eschatological horizons, genetic redaction shall efface the taxonomical chasm between biosex and technê. Until then, we dwell in the interstitial aporia—where somatic hermeneutics interrogate whether biology is destiny or merely a provisional dialectic, awaiting its aufhebung in the alembic of science.

10/10 perfect response 🏆

drdeeisbackMarch 22, 2025

Very nice.

salamander [OP]March 22, 2025

I liked the "epistemology of alcoholism" comment.

bareminimumMarch 22, 2025

Disconnected from reality 🤣🤣🤣 dead.

drdeeisbackMarch 22, 2025


Shot_DunyunMarch 22, 2025

Summary: TIMs are just incels who think they can talk their way into sex if they just type another paragraph.

spacykateMarch 22, 2025

This is “ I got high and regurgitated a freshman philosophy course without understanding most of it “ bs.

[Deleted]March 22, 2025