The deadline for puberty is so hyped up, but TRAs never acknowledge the similar pressures female athletes face to maximise their competitive years within a narrow timeframe. No, it's super natural that flabby scrotes with 20 years of seniority on their female peers get to compete alongside them. The only commonality is that what men want now, they deserve.
Lately i've seen a lot of stuff that's like "hormones given to kids are completely reversible" and "you can tell if a kid is trans by giving them hormones because the hormones will give them dysphoria". But I'm like. Is your bone structure reversible? And what about the people who have worsened dysphoria about their body, after they start hormones but keep taking them? (Like for example a male takes estradiol and feels worse dysphoria about his male hips, is totally different than the scenario they pose where a male will get dysphoria from estradiol.) Sigh
Research from the Tavistock in the UK and from the Netherlands shows that female children put on GnRH analogs aka "puberty blockers" for "gender therapy" actually suffer worse body image, deeper depression and greater likelihood of having a desire and impulse to self-harm.
In the most recent season of "I Am Jazz"," Jazz Jennings' mother responded to the suggestion that Jazz's genital surgeries at 17 are what caused Jazz's mental health to collapse by saying that actually, Jazz has been seriously mentally ill since Jazz was 12. Jazz's mom didn't realize, it seems, that by using this line of argument to defend her decision to have Jazz castrated and de-penised at 17, she was simply shifting attention to how wrong and harmful it was to put Jazz on "life saving puberty blockers" when Jazz was 11 and on "gender affirming" estrogen when he was 11 years, five months. Any reasonable parent and responsible doctor would have thought to take Jazz off the blockers and estrogen to see if his mental health improved. But instead, Jazz's parents and doctors just put 12-year-old Jazz on other Big Pharma drugs that it's not wise to give to kids - anti-depressants. Apparently Jazz has been on a whole bunch of different psych meds in various mixes aka "cocktails" over the years because there's been many references on the show about trying to find the right combinations and dosages that work.
There was another case written up in the UK press a couple of years ago where the mother of a teen girl on blockers and testosterone remarked that her daughter (pretending to be her son) got so suicidal and had such explosive anger after she started taking testosterone that she was prescribed estrogen to counteract the negative effects of the T. When of course the obvious solution to most people would have been to get her off the T and the blockers so she could make her own estrogen naturally...
When you lay it out like this... It's worse than the opioid epidemic, honestly. At least with that it's like, simple. People get addicted and that's it. These drugs and procedures are more complicated and intricate and they screw up all of your body, irreparably in many cases
You laid it out so well. It's so obvious this will be the greatest medical scandal of our lives.
There's also those that say gender identity is fluid and can change throughout one's life. If that's true maybe it isn't a good idea to cut up your body.
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Progressive Misogyny, @ JustMisogyny
TRA logic
the first step to me seeing where it all unraveled into narcissism celebrated was when someone told me years ago when they were just pushing the first boundaries and saying no one would ever, ever try to force lesbians to suck their dicks was being told point-blank puberty blockers were 100% safe and reversible.
saying that confidently about any treatment, especially one that deals with something as complicated and vital as puberty, was so absolute fucking bananas i knew something was rotten before i took a look at the barrel and saw them apples.
That also irked me. For years people were ringing the alarm bells about menopausal women taking HRT and it's relation to reproductive cancers. It's well known how powerful hormones are, but we were suddenly supposed to forget all of that??