This is a general interest discussion community for women. Women can discuss most topics here. Rants, raves, interesting links, career advice, relationship advice, hobbies, interests, chit chat, pet pics, as long as you're a woman and it's not disallowed below it's all free to go here.
Our goal is to provide a friendly and supportive space for the women of Ovarit. This circle is not a "safe space," but it is and will always be a female-only space. This means if you are not female, you will be banned.
This circle is not for general politics or election topics - arguments about politics do not fit within this circle’s mission. This is not a debate circle.
Before posting, please check the list below of other women-only circles to make sure there isn't a community that is dedicated to the topic. Also, please use the feminist circles for feminist topics, such as /o/WomensLiberation and /o/GenderCritical. Posts about male violence belong in /o/NameTheProblem. This circle is not for news about violence.
If any part of your text / link post is about trans, post it to o/GenderCritical. Trans related image posts go in o/TransLogic or o/Radfemmery.
If you post about trans topics in o/Women your post may be locked and / or deleted. We cannot move posts around.
This is a friendly and supportive community for general topics which are not contentious. Posts which start arguments, or which devolve into arguments in the comments, are extremely likely to be removed. This is a friendly and supportive general chat community, not a debate or argument board.
Examples of topics which belong here:
The Sitewide Rules and Sitewide Guidelines are both enforced here. Thank you for reporting rule violations.
If you are having a mental health or medical emergency, we unfortunately cannot help you. Please call a crisis helpline or use another qualified service.
Personal fundraisers are not allowed.
Do not post rants about other users.
Advertisements for Discord chat rooms or other private groups are only allowed to be posted by users who are level 7 or above and have been on the site for more than six months. Never give anyone sensitive information that could be used to de-anonymize you without first vetting them yourself. Be careful!
Some other circles on Ovarit are also women-only and are focused on specific topics:
/o/WomensHealthLounge: a women-only community to talk about all health topics, including mental health
/o/Fitness: a women-only community to talk about personal fitness
/o/Lesbians: a lesbian-only community
/o/LovingWomen: a community for all women who love, are attracted to, and engage in relationships with women
/o/DetransWomen: a community for female detransitioners and desisters