The stark shift in tone on "sex work" within a 4/5 year span from liberal publications?
Posted January 22, 2021 by [Deleted] in WomensHistory

I was browsing an online course related to slavery/prostitution/human rights on MIT courseware, and linked in the course readings was an article from liberal news source Huffpost about the "ugly truth about prostitution." I was kind of shocked because I didn't think you'd ever find this type of article published recently. Curious, I went to compare with a more recent article from 2020, and the difference in tone is stark.

2015 article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pretty-woman-and-the-ugly-truth_b_6904804

Very few of us chose to be “in the life,” as we say. We’re not happy, and we most certainly don’t enjoy sex with johns. From so-called high-end escorts to girls bought online, prostituted women are actors.

2020 article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-york-sex-workers-pop-up-exhibition_n_5e67fcf4c5b6670e73001674

Opening sentence: > After a variety of different career endeavors, Jacqueline Francis knew she’d found a personal calling when she tried stripping for the first time.

And one more from 2019: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/legal-sex-worker-couples-communication_n_5ca78600e4b0a00f6d3f2a14 > I believe seeing a legal sex worker when your relationship needs fine-tuning is just the same as going to a mechanic when your car needs repairs.

I feel like the 2015 article would never be allowed to be published on the platform today, in 2021.

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