A new (for me) answer to the classic question, Why aren’t there any great women Xs, occurred to me when I saw a website for a small company of composers specializing in music for dance troupes (all four composers were male) shortly after a male friend of mine confessed that if he wasn’t getting paid to do it (write a book – he’s an academic with a university position), he probably wouldn’t, and another male friend confessed confusion at the idea of composing something just out of his soul (everything he’d written had been for pay – soundtracks for video games and what have you). Until then, the answer to that age-old question seemed to go to merit and/or opportunity. Now I’m thinking it goes to money.
How many of those great-man achievements would have occurred if they had to have been done on their own time at home? Discoveries, inventions – they’re done on company time at work. When my friend works on his book, it’s just part of his job. All those great men, who we know to be great because of the prizes they win, the fame they garner – they get those prizes and that fame for just doing their job. And those prizes and that fame is in addition to the pay they’ve already received for whatever it is they’ve done.
In addition to the motivation factor (if they weren’t getting paid, they wouldn’t put in the time, the effort, that, occasionally has led to great things), there’s also the legimitizing factor: payment for your work is the stamp of quality – consider the dual meanings of ‘amateur’ and ‘professional’. So even if you do make a great discovery or write a great book on your own time at home, no one will recognize it as such; getting paid for it is prerequisite for its identification as great.
And it doesn’t hurt that when you’re in a paid position, you have access to resources, such as a lab or a studio, that you probably otherwise don’t have.
And here’s the thing: men have, in far greater proportion than women, held paying jobs and received commissions; they’re the ones who have been getting paid for their time, their effort, their work.* The work that sometimes leads to greatness.
*And why is that so? One could say that women don’t get the jobs or the commissions because they’re not as good – it could come back to merit after all. But we know that’s simply not true.
It might come back to opportunity though: the people who get the jobs and the commissions are the ones in the boy’s club – being male (still) increases the opportunities to land the money, status, and resources of a job/commission (the people who are in a position to pay, the people with money, are men, not women, and men are more apt to hire other men than they are to hire women, unless they’re after some political correct currency).
But even the individual entrepreneurs, the guys who set up their own company to provide music for dance groups, for example — why is it that men, so much more often than women, have not just jobs, but careers? Because that’s been their role. They’re supposed to make a living. Women are supposed to make a home. They’re supposed to support their family. Women are supposed to make that family. Also, I think somehow men find out how to turn jobs into careers. I don’t know how they do, but they do. Perhaps it’s simply because their social network is more apt to include someone who has done just that, or perhaps it’s because they get informal mentoring more often than women. But show me two composers, one a man and the other a woman, and I’ll bet it’s only the man who thinks to get some buddies and form a company. (The woman is composing for free, giving her music away, to school groups or church groups or friends…)
My husband is an academic so I get a glimpse at the behind the scenes of it all. The way prized are distributed is very much political, you have little teams of academics promoting people within their teams. Sometimes one of the team members is brilliant but the team leader gets the credit.
Interesting. And of course, women are less apt to have such supporting teams. Let alone be the team leader who will get the credit.
What's that Virginia Woolf line?
A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.
That underpins a lot of it - we're still expected to do a whole lot of unpaid labour, if we can't afford to hire someone else to do it. Housekeeping, food prep, childcare. All those things take a lot of time and mental and physical effort, after which we may not have the energy to pour ourselves into a passion project. In the modern world, we also have to work. So just for a start, how many fulltime jobs is the average woman trying to do in the same hours that a man works his paying job, goes to the pub for a few hours at the weekend, maybe goes to play a sport now and then, and games in the evenings? (Broadest of broad generalisations, but you get my gist.) If her job isn't something she can make a mark in, she's not going to win prizes for it. She's certainly not going to win prizes for most spotless home, or best behaved kids.
And then yes, we are still up against the old boys' clubs of the world. It sucks, and I don't know how we fight that.
There's a lot of this, as well as many business deals (and a lot of hiring) are done this way. The boys' club phenomenon is really damaging to women in a lot of aspects.