Alexiares [OP]October 7, 2023

Here is the earliest work written in defence of women by a woman under a brilliant pseudonym in the English language. Just found it the other day, and the website it is on is well worth exploring, “A Celebration of Women Writers” at UPenn, and so far as I can tell, still unmessed with by the current anti-woman madness.

areteOctober 7, 2023

I love the site too, but the other day I noticed a content warning had been added to Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's Sultana's Dream... 😑 Truly baffling and rather ridiculous.

Alexiares [OP]October 7, 2023

Good grief, I stand corrected then. There are so many books and stories in there, here’s hoping this effort to add stupid content warnings collapses in exhaustion.

PracticalMagicOctober 7, 2023

Gosh I just read it and I cannot understand why the content warning was required at all!!

areteOctober 7, 2023

Right? And the irony of North American academic types implying a Bengali Muslim feminist might not have been "progressive" enough is just too much.

PracticalMagicOctober 7, 2023(Edited October 7, 2023)

Good lord you could put that warning on every book ever written.

I suppose it's better than censorship.

DoomedSibylOctober 7, 2023(Edited October 7, 2023)

I suppose it's better than censorship.>

Not much better. It’s like censorship light or censorship with training wheels or one of the interim steps that softens us up for full censorship.

Not trying to argue directly with you. I know you didn’t mean it that way. I just hate this kind of thing. I hate Trigger warnings too. I get triggered, but I would never expect people to stop talking because of that. I might disagree and put forth the reasons for my disagreement. I might be upset by the sheer wrongheadedness. I might cry privately. But how can we know what people really think if they’re coerced to speech and silence? I am against compelled speech and compelled silence.