Activism and PoliticsAndrea Dworkin Quote about Feminism
Posted June 20, 2024 by sistersunite in WomensHistory

Feminism is a political practice of fighting male supremacy in behalf of women as a class, including all the women you don't like, including all the women you don't want to be around, including all the women who used to be your best friends whom you don't want anything to do with anymore. It doesn't matter who the individual women are. They all have the same vulnerability to rape, to battery, as children to incest. Poorer women have more vulnerability to prostitution, which is basically a form of sexual exploitation that is intolerable in an egalitarian society, which is the society we are fighting for.” ― Andrea Dworkin


[Deleted]June 20, 2024

I am with you on this @sistersunite [see MM post]. I think you might want to read this article about Shulamith Firestone, esp the discussion of 'trashing.' It constituted the 'death' of the feminist revolution in many ways.

sistersunite [OP]June 20, 2024

Reading now. Some things never change: **‘Move on, little girl. We have more important issues to talk about here than women’s problems.’ **

This speech is now given to us with the same sentiment except you'll hear "There' more pressing issues that your concerns" "Think about everyone else though before you focus on your needs" "Doesn't affect me."

Thanks for posting this. Yes infighting is common with groups who have an uphill battle and go against the grain. When it comes to women, we are more deeply affected by these sort of feelings than men are no matter how tough that surface presents. We can all learn from this. We do in fact need directives because without them, people get lost and infighting.

Shulamith for example was more bold in her approach and most of the women around weren't ready for that. Today things are different. In this time feminism needs to put major rights first and all that minor stuff and different lifestyles should not be the main points because that can be divisive especially if you have lesbians who aren't into relationships with men and trad wives. There is a trad wife right now doing plenty and that is Posie Parker...she has children, married etc...but leave it up to another woman who isn't and she wants to trash her over that. It ruins it for all of us. If women can constantly make excuses for bad male behavior and forgive often times waiting for that man to be who he was when she first met him and he was good...women can also forgive over differences in each other's lives...which often times isn't bad to the point of needing any forgiveness. The bar is set so high with expectations places on women and so low for men.

Can a straight woman and lesbian alliance exist or would straight women need their own because maybe the lifestyles are so different that certain needs might be scoffed at which would result in trashing? I don't think that's the case! Look at Parker Posie, Look at J.K. Rowling...lesbians and these straight women sharing their feminist views and it's all good.

Sisterhood is fragile already. Much of that has to do with all the scripting we see in society from social media with all this filtering, plastic surgery, women taught our looks are what is most important even still through words...through advertisement...through represenation and sometimes if someone wants to let it slip out...psst your looks only...well they are telling us what we already see. It's infectious. Men have had thousands of years to be in charge and the forgiveness if done wrong and often times treated like a hero if he murders people. There will always be this divide for that bad male of who sees him as a villain not to be imitated vs who sees him as some hero! We have the media that pushes these narratives out that serial killers are worthy of full documentaries filled with psychologists trying to pick apart his brain in an excuse his behavior sort of way. In comparison to Shula's time...porn is now ridiculous! Even worse! More and more men have decided anal is the new vagina, rape is okay, your own mother or sister is not immune to your harassment, pedophilia is fine because that anime porn shows bodies of little kids and lesbian porn all the sudden when men that lack empathy watch it believe they are now lesbians.

Some things have gotten better but some things have gotten worse. With any group that was once considered property are now human beings too...the backlash is still evident. Women have tons of toxicity to see through in ourselves as well in order to heal. Sometimes we must get away so we can think without the poison. Much of what is going on is backlash against feminism and it's done in such a way most people cannot put their fingers on it. Oh yeah women? You want equality? How about equal rights and equal lefts hurr hurr! Kink and "bondage" mostly performed by white people is turning slavery into some diminished less than serious crime against humanity. Makes light of it. Can be found all over gay rights and nobody stops to see how ridiculous it is to celebrate slavery....they add in "Oh but it's just my sexual fetish" and suddenly it's okay. Do what you want behind closed doors but it is an odd fetish to have considering it wouldn't be so trendy, kinky and cool if you were truly FORCED with no chance of having a real life or freedom. Drag queens are a mockery of women. It was never a compliment yet when women spoke up, they were dismissed. Women make up half the population. It's a shame these old men who remember "tha gud ole dayz" are taking our rights away on both sides and we haven't even had these rights for long.

Being a female means we must play by the rules, we must be fair, we must do this and that and scratch everyone's back. They divide us, we are kept distracted with all these "other pressing matters" and fall for the same techniques time and time again. We live in a world that will not be fair to us yet here we are as women waiting to call out when a woman has gone too far!!! For what? Speaking too boldly? Yet these same women give men more lenience for much more horrible things. We've all been trained through various means to behave this way. We can't break out of this spell until we recognize we're under it in the first place. Being aware is the first step. Our primary goal should never be to be like men. I do not see them as the default standard of morality or anything worthy to imitate. When women start imitating men they do so because they want the privileges the men have not seeing that while these women are performing this stunt...those same men see them for what they are ...women. Women are still women even if we are told we are somehow "masculine" for being assertive or "male hobbies". Who makes up these rules for what are "male hobbies" vs. "feminine"...men do. Is there any proof that only men can perform them? No. WE all have plenty of social conditioning to look into about why we are inclined to shooting our own foot, self defeat, self sabotage and the role societal codes, religion and male centered laws have placed on all.

spinningintellectJune 20, 2024

Can I upvote you more than once, sister?

[Deleted]June 20, 2024