Done! So grateful for her refusing to "be kind," so grateful she did not give one inch!
She’s great! And is also pro-choice!
Her stance on abortion is definitely better than most Republicans, but I think it’s worth mentioning for the sake of accuracy that she has still described herself to be pro-life and anti-abortion with exceptions made for cases of rape or incest. The article you linked says:
The South Carolina Republican said she supports a 15-to-20-week abortion ban with exceptions for pregnancies that are a result of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk, calling it the "sweet spot."
"Democrats often are at 24 weeks, and that's too far for a lot of people," Mace said. "No one wants zero."
Her website also describes her as pro-life.
Still, I agree that with everyone else here that her current stances will likely win over a lot of Democrats to the Republican side! More Democrat politicians should be made aware of how they’ll be continuing to lose voters if they don’t budge on the trans ideology stuff.
I honestly think she’s just using republican language because “pro choice” is so tarnished and linked so strongly with democrats. She’s playing to her base so as to not appear too left while definitely pushing into pro-woman and pro choice territory (without admitting it). Ah, politicians and the ropes they walk.
That’s a fair point! Still, I don’t believe in putting restricting on women’s abortion at all.
A lot of the time, when I’ve seen former Democrats/liberals switch to being Republican/conservative over the trans/gender stances, I’ve noticed that many of those people end up adjusting their stances on abortion to be more restrictive towards women and putting more value on the fetus’s life over the woman’s life in some cases. So that would be a little bit of a small concern I might have if I saw the average Democrat switch to becoming Republican, because their stances might shift from not believing in limitations to abortion to only allowing abortion within certain time limits. But I definitely agree that it’s a good thing for sure that Mace’s stances seem to be likely to end up pushing Republicans to be slightly more openminded though!
It’s actually a great trick to get republicans on board. I’ll be “pro-life” like her too! wink wink. Pro life of mothers and babies, and we of course can’t allow mothers to die from problematic pregnancies or rape/incest, so let’s put the line at 20wks! 😇 Pro liiiife! Haha.
I emailed her office. I expressed gratitude for what she is doing and asked for more. I hope you all do too
Done! Told her not to give up and sent her links to Ovarit (hope that’s okay) and Reduxx.
I don't know if her response was strategized at all but if so it's brilliant. And the Dems who are sticking up for McBride are getting ratioed. Maybe a similar write in to some of them is in order as well
I honestly think we should do that. This a great idea. Because while Nancy speaking out is great, it’s the democrats we need to listen.
I dropped her a message of thanks and to continue what's she's doing. If her platform spreads (a moderate pro-choice stance + women's rights) the republicans will destroy dems even more by taking up the centrist/moderates entirely and allowing sanity to win.
Everyone I know who is fiscally conservative/socially liberal feels politically homeless these days. It would be so nice to have some reasonable moderates to vote for.