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OneStarWolfNovember 21, 2024(Edited November 21, 2024)

I honestly think she’s just using republican language because “pro choice” is so tarnished and linked so strongly with democrats. She’s playing to her base so as to not appear too left while definitely pushing into pro-woman and pro choice territory (without admitting it). Ah, politicians and the ropes they walk.

OneStarWolfNovember 21, 2024(Edited November 21, 2024)

It’s actually a great trick to get republicans on board. I’ll be “pro-life” like her too! wink wink. Pro life of mothers and babies, and we of course can’t allow mothers to die from problematic pregnancies or rape/incest, so let’s put the line at 20wks! 😇 Pro liiiife! Haha.