Book ClubsWhy Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft | The Abusive Man in the World, Abusive Men and their Allies | Chapter 11
Posted February 24, 2024 by Unicorn in Books

Welcome to another discussion post for Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft.

In this post, we are discussing Part III, The Abusive Man in the World, Chapter 11 Abusive Men and their Allies.

Share your thoughts on this chapter and overal book section in the comments. (Feel free to also share thoughts and suggestions on the discussion post and bookclub structure itself.)

Anyone who hasn't read the book but wants to give input on the topics discussed are welcome to as well! (I recommend mentioning that you haven't read the chapter in your post, so people are aware of that when replying.)

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pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

You cannot be a conservative and/or trad radfem; the beliefs are completely incompatible

Seriously. It's like being an Orthodox Christian Atheist. It doesn't compute LOL

eyeswideopenDecember 19, 2024

I'm an Orthodox Christian atheist actually. Born into an Orthodox family and baptized when I was 6 months old. Stopped believing the god of the Bible (or any gods) existed when I was about 13. I still participate in family events that center around our Orthodox church and accompany my parents to services. It's the same thing as being an atheist Jew. Culturally I'm Orthodox, but I don't believe that god exists, Jesus was raised from the dead, etc.