Book ClubsWomen's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation by Ruth Barrett | Introduction and Chapter 1
Posted March 29, 2024 by Tortoisemouse in Books
Title edited March 30, 2024 by a moderator

Welcome to the first discussion post for Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation by Ruth Barrett.

In this post, we are discussing:

  • the Preface to the 3rd Edition (if you have it)
  • the short Introduction and
  • Chapter 1: The Power of Women's Ritual.

Please share your thoughts in the comments.

We will read and discuss together over the course of the next week, with a view to launching discussion of Chapter Two the following weekend (Friday counts as weekend for me!!)

Tagging those who have shown interest: @TSTat1400 @PickettyWitch @Committing_Tervery @Yarrowheart @Itzpapalotl @Amareldys @Hollyhock @a_shrub @Jehane @CompassionateGoddess @Unicorn @ActualWendy

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pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

You cannot be a conservative and/or trad radfem; the beliefs are completely incompatible

Seriously. It's like being an Orthodox Christian Atheist. It doesn't compute LOL

eyeswideopenDecember 19, 2024

I'm an Orthodox Christian atheist actually. Born into an Orthodox family and baptized when I was 6 months old. Stopped believing the god of the Bible (or any gods) existed when I was about 13. I still participate in family events that center around our Orthodox church and accompany my parents to services. It's the same thing as being an atheist Jew. Culturally I'm Orthodox, but I don't believe that god exists, Jesus was raised from the dead, etc.