We are the radfem meme circle
The Old Queen r/trollgc is dead, may she forever rest in power.
Long Live the New Queen at Ovarit: Radfemmery.
The Radfemmery is a place for users to share screenshots, memes, and gifs related to all aspects of radical feminism. We want to blur the line between being funny and serious, so that we can find humour and release in a world that's more often than not against us. Better to laugh than cry sometimes. All areas of radical feminism can be meme’d.
Moreover, The Radfemmery is where we gather round and share content from radfems/GCs meant for radfems/GCs. This circle is not for sharing the foolishness of TRAs, libfems, and men. That content belongs in o/TransLogic.
Updated as of 17 Apr 2022.
Posts can be removed by mods for any reason for the health of the community including ones that don’t land or are confusing.
Tip: If you aren't sure where a post should go, check out o/ItsAFetish and o/TransLogic to decide whether or not those would be better circles to post in.
Rule 1: Appropriate Posts
Memes, screenshots, and gifs ONLY
NO text posts or copypasta.
NO linking to news articles or outside websites, even those satirical or sardonic in nature.
Stick to visuals.
NO PORN VISUALS OR TEXT (They fit better at o/ItsAFetish)
NO genital pictures, including neovaginas and neophalluses. Mastectomies and breast implants will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Rule 2: Inappropriate Content
Rule 3: The NO List
NO misogyny, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, ageism, colorism.
NO slurs: No n-words, misogynistic slurs (ex: bitch, slut, terf, cis), t-slurs or their derivatives (ex: trunacy, troon, Timmy, Timothy)
NO debating. Take debates to other circles. Do NOT debate tenets of various philosophies here. No derailing or sealioning. No DARVO.
NO template gripes.
NO conversion therapy (aka Genital Preferences are Transphobic) or other right-wing, conservative talking points allowed.
NO joking about any and all illegal activity that could actually happen
NO talking about downvotes. For the love of all that is female, STOP talking about downvotes. Mods are sick of it. No griping about how many downvotes your comment or post got, or another person's comment or post got. Those comments will be deleted even if they accompany otherwise good commentary.
Rule 4: Redactions
Reddit names do NOT need to be redacted, neither do Chapo Chat names, etc.
Do not redact the Twitter handles of TRAs and misogynists.
Verified users are always fair game.
We do NOT protect misogynistic men and their sycophants. Record any and all misogynies.
Sitewide Rules and Sitewide Guidelines are enforced here.
Happy memeing~!
Cousin-marriage is often a more complex phenomenon than this would imply. Consider this example: The Sudan, where large extended family networks are highly present in and important to most people's lives and cousin marriage remains very common across all social classes. I have known many Sudanese women who actively choose to marry a cousin (marriages are not arranged in Sudan but rather decided on by the couples themselves). People speak of the protection it can offer a woman as the cousin-husband, as a member of the extended family, whose character the woman is likely to know well, is accountable to his own relatives (who are also her relatives) for his treatment or any mistreatment of his wife (whereas marrying into a stranger's family can isolate the wife from family support). There is also evidence that the normative status of cousin-marriage has enabled large extended family networks to collectively decide to abandon female genital cutting on the premise that if the 'uncut' women fail to find marriage partners in the wider community (due to being uncut) there will always be cousins within the network of relatives who have agreed not to cut their daughters who they can marry (norms of marriagebility are a major reason why many families who would otherwise abandon the practice continue to cut their daughters).
But there is still the inbreeding risk