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OutHereInTheDeepFebruary 17, 2022

Supposedly there are strong pro-trans themes in some episodes. Maybe this will be the “boring old mom thing” that can torpedo the cool credibility of the fad.

goatsauceFebruary 17, 2022

My friend watched it and gave me some of a rundown on the gender situation in the new SATC season, because I never watched the original show enough to know what's happening. Miranda hooks up with a nonbinary woman who's a very unfunny comedian, and it seems most of the viewership kind of hates this new girlfriend. Charlotte's younger daughter (the one who isn't adopted like her older Asian daughter) is already gender nonconforming, but the introduction of this nonbinary character leads to thought that she's nonbinary (maybe trans? I can't remember) and she chooses a new name. The only person to call this out as overly indulgent parenting to cover up other issues (the younger daughter's jealousy regarding the adopted daughter's more impressive accomplishments) is a gay male side character. It seems the show walks the line of trying to be realistic about these issues, as well as calling out the various characters for being so insulated in their affluent white social circles, but it stops short of real in depth criticism. I only caught bits and pieces while my friend was watching and then got more of a rundown about it all than I really wanted to know, but she liked the season overall even if she found the politics of it insufferable.

momofreyrellaMarch 5, 2022

The season was incredibly boring and the characters were not true to their origins.

Charlotte going from hating to enjoying bjs and Miranda going from straight to dating a woman, whos sense of humor is being rude, smoking pot in elevators and everywhere, and sexually harassing employee