What do you ladies use for joints?
Posted March 20, 2025 by MaryDyer in WomensHealthLounge

I’m 34, overweight, and I have PCOS and endo. However, even prior to gaining weight, I noticed that my knees were protesting at work (I work a physical job with lots of up and down). Now every time I have to kneel down my knees make a bunch of obvious pops, and with each forward movement on my knees, they make crackling sounds. I also spent about a year on Lupron when I was 15/16, so not sure if that’s related.

Obviously losing weight will help some, but that could take a while. In the meantime what supplements should I be taking for my joints?


LunarMooseMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

I want you to know, I am so old - I read the title - as you needing advice about marijuana, lol

(as for joints, joints, I recommend weight training :)

faerieberryMarch 20, 2025

That was my first thought too 😂 “idk i’m sure they have some good wraps or cones at the smoke shop?”

Dressed2K1llMarch 20, 2025

Team bong 🤧

I don’t like smoke in the house and the bong lets me just blow it out the window 😂

UberMarch 21, 2025

Inhaaale, exhaaaale, I just got an ounce in the mail 😶‍🌫️

EvileineMarch 20, 2025

Omg, yes! I recommend organic with a dry herb vape, but I'm an old lady, so what do I know? 😶‍🌫️

broccolipathsofgloryMarch 21, 2025

I thought the same thing!

WinterWitchMarch 21, 2025

I was going to recommend a vape pen.

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025


HoneycreeperMarch 27, 2025

Conversely, smoking might help your joints 😆

RNPhalaropeMarch 22, 2025(Edited March 22, 2025)

I am more than double your age and had more joint problems in the past than I do now. For me the best thing was just to walk, and then increase the distance a little every day. And, even better, if you can walk up and down stairs. Again, increase a few stairs every day.

Most of all, don't give up!

Edited, fixed my age...

ProfTerfMomMarch 20, 2025

Best thing I ever did for my knees was to start regularly lifting weights and walking inclines on the treadmill. All my pain went away.

StrawberryCoughMarch 20, 2025

Second this. I never liked any of the exercise I forced myself to do over the years. I was astounded to find, after about a year, that I actually loved lifting, and the improvement in how I felt in my body was magic. I had some injuries and let myself lose the habit, trying to get back to it now, and I definitely feel it in my knees and hips.

momofreyrellaMarch 20, 2025

Omg i was going to recommend my brand of rolling papers and filters!!

Dressed2K1llMarch 20, 2025

lol - I clicked VERY fast, like 👍 FINALLY 🧐 I can help!

momofreyrellaMarch 21, 2025

Hahaha!!! What's your favorite brand of rolling papers?

broccolipathsofgloryMarch 21, 2025

I found glucosamine/chondroitin to be a game-changer in the past.

ThelnebriatiMarch 21, 2025

I've had arthritis and joint problems since I was a teenager and I drink chicken bone broth every day. A recent MRI showed the rate of degeneration isn't as severe as would normally be expected for my age. If you don't fancy making gallons of chicken bone soup then you can use glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, but they are too expensive for my budget.

Every month I use 1kg of chicken wings and the smallest, scraggiest, boniest chicken I can get at the supermarket. Roast them in the oven, strip off and discard the wing tips, parsons nose and skin. Remove all the meat, portion and freeze it, I usually get 6 portions of chicken for meals.

Then put the bones and cartilage into a large stock pot, cover with water, add black pepper to taste and gently simmer for two hours. Strain the broth into a jug to cool, pour that into silicon ice cube trays and freeze it. Cover the bones with more water and repeat another 2 times. It makes over a gallon of broth which lasts me a month, and costs about £5. The bones at this point are so soft they will crumble between your fingers, so I break them up and put them into my compost heap.

I also had physio at the gym in the spinal unit at my local hospital, and they gave me a load of exercises to do to strengthen my joints. Most of the crackling and popping noises are safe to ignore but I have one that might be an old injury and I have to avoid aggravating it, so it might be worth you seeing a physiotherapist.

ElizabelchMarch 20, 2025

A good Afghani landrace strain.

...but seriously: I see both glucosamine/chondroitin and curcumin (turmeric) mentioned all the time, both positively and negatively ("didn't help me.") I've tried both and didn't think they either hurt or helped, but others will swear by them.

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

I’ll give those a shot. I think my mom uses both so we should already have them in the house.

RegularFeministMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

I'd say any physiotherapy is way better than any supplements. I got my meniscus torn when doing parkour and after that I'd occasionally have shoots of pain. I did all the required injections of chondroitin and mind you I am a vegan, but I thought ok, my health was important and I didn't want to have pain in my knee. Well 3 months of prescribed injections didn't help. Staying away from physical activity didn't help either. I then looked up some knee rehab exercises and started doing them and also slowly went back to my pre-injury routine and even started running. That helped way more than the injections. My knee doesn't hurt anymore. I ditched parkour, but I easily run 5k without any pain.

RegularFeministMarch 20, 2025

And a related anecdote: my friend had backache, she spent money and time on injections, and in her case the injections (according to her) made the pain even more acute, she then found a good physiotherapist and started doing exercise and she said it helped a lot.

somegenerichandleMarch 20, 2025

Are you wearing compression socks? That might help your knee at work. And maybe even try some dr scholl shoes or inserts. I do find hibiscus tea helps me with menstrual pain. I drink a lot of Pu erh tea too to settle my stomach, it might help make you feel full. And like the other comment, i eat a lot of turmeric and ginger. It's super in curry! Maybe a calcium with magnesium vitamin could help? You got to be careful and make sure you get both. Now to make some homemade saag, yum!

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

Yep, compression socks, shoe inserts, and most recently, knee pads!

Carrots90March 20, 2025


Bone broth

Glucosamine chondrointen

JBeauvoirMarch 20, 2025

50/50 what this thread was gonna be about 😸

raspberryMarch 21, 2025

I read that low vitamin D could also cause joint popping noises. I think that could be the cause for me at least (but there’s multiple factors of course! and depends on the person)

Elle_x_ohMarch 21, 2025

My thumb and middle finger 😎

ExiaMarch 21, 2025

The joints help my actual joints 😂

drdeeisbackMarch 20, 2025

Not a supplement, but cutting down/removing dairy from my diet really reduced my joint pain.

OktokkiMarch 20, 2025

For me, it's cutting back on sugar that helps my joints, and I say that as someone who can pretty much survive on only Coke and Mountain Dew, like a hummingbird.

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

Oh jeez. I love sugar. It’s my only vice.

OktokkiMarch 20, 2025

Samesies. I've decided to let myself give in a few times a week, because I already gave up cigarettes, hard drugs, and drinking, and I gotta get through this life.

RegularFeministMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

I love sugar too but I don't treat it as a vice. Sugar is a source of energy. I think as long as you make sure that you get enough protein or other nutritients, sugar is fine.

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

Yeah but I wanna eat all the cakes, all the puddings, and all the chocolates. At the same time.

RegularFeministMarch 21, 2025

Oh that's entirely different. Too bad we can't just eat cakes only and stay healthy.

Dressed2K1llMarch 20, 2025


m0RT_1March 20, 2025

Supplements work better for some people than others, depending on the cause of joint pain (e.g., osteoarthritis vs. injury & inflammation). So you have to figure out what is the source first.

If your joint pain is because of inflammation there is strong evidence that fish oils or gamma linoleic acid (found in evening primrose oil, borage/starflower seed oil, and blackcurrant seed oil) work well.

If your joint pain is more because of osteoarthritis then the supplements with the most evidence of being moderately effective are glucosamine, chondroitin, ginger, and green-lipped mussel extract.

I've got quite a few old injuries from motorbike crashes, etc, for me, i have to keep moving, gentle stretching to keep my muscles from knotting up, and fish oil/ evening primrose oil capsule every other day.

GreatlakeshotdishMarch 21, 2025

Turmeric with black pepper.


When I was overweight and my knees hurt, this was the only thing that got rid of the pain, while I started a exercise/lifting routine to lose weight.

This even worked for my dad's 83 year-old knees (he was looking for something else cuz Advil was hurting his kidneys and stomach.)

I'm not some essential oils loon either, this was recommended by my Dr.

SrfthrowawayMarch 20, 2025

Go look at the YouTube channel Precision Movement. The owner of it also has an app I subscribe to called ROM Coach, but the free stuff he puts on YouTube is excellent. I had hip pain for months despite physio and his approach worked within a few weeks. I started with his video about elbow pain which I also had for nearly a year despite a LOT of physio and which cleared up within days.

EvileineMarch 20, 2025

Oof, I feel your pain. All that crackling could indicate a meniscus tear, which is worth investigating. It's fixable, but it might need more than physical therapy and supplements. The extra weight doesn't help, either.

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

It’s crackling in both knees, though. How likely would it be that I’d have torn both of them?

EvileineMarch 21, 2025

I've had bilateral meniscus tears. But hey, who knows how common that is?

MaryDyer [OP]March 21, 2025

Honestly I could actually see that being the case here. I used to do some pretty stupid and aggressive lunges to strengthen my thigh muscles. I would majorly overdo them.

EvileineMarch 21, 2025

Yeah, I fenced in high school and college, then ended up in a career that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Part of our physical agility test involved carrying 70lb up and down a staircase backwards, if that's any indication of the wear and tear my knees experienced.

Might be worth discussing it with your GP if it's troublesome. They can be fixed with arthroscopic surgery; I had it done as a part of some major knee surgeries, but I think a meniscus tear alone isn't a surgery that takes a lot of recovery time.

catstacMarch 20, 2025

Massage! A lot of times popping joints are because a muscle somewhere else is knotted up. I started getting weekly massages and after a few weeks I realized my knuckles were cracking all the time. Learned to do my own trigger point releases too. Once you work out the trigger points, strengthen the muscles that were knotted.

JBeauvoirMarch 20, 2025

no supplement recs, but do you already use knee pads or those pants that you can insert pads into?

MaryDyer [OP]March 20, 2025

I’ve recently started using knee pads! They help a great deal when I’m doing kneeling stuff but I also have a lot of stiffness and soreness when walking up stairs, which pads can’t help.