Maybe less so a rant, but definitely a vent/comment. I once corrected the official History channel's Instagram when they posted that Marsha P. Johnson was a "transwoman" and blah blah blah. I politely reminded them that his own documentary proves that he didn't call himself anything but a gay man, and even laughed at those who thought he was a woman.
I'm so sick of this T-themed "revision" (it's really a negation) of history to suit their agenda. They even got Stonewall participant and veteran gay rights activist Fred Sargeant banned from Twitter because he was an eye witness to the Stonewall riot and called out their lies. You know who "edits" history to center themselves and push their narrative? OPPRESSORS.
Many of the female role models in history are now posthumously transed. The list is pretty long and getting longer (Louisa May Alcott was the last one added as really a man). Soon we will have no role models left, but then in the gender identity ideology we are not supposed to want any but Stepford Wives and Barbie dolls.
It’s sexism and misogyny. The implication is that any courageous and talented woman must actually be a man. Fuck them.
As far as I know and remember, it was a whole ass team effort at stonewall. It was chaos and people used that to act.
But people telling us that marsha was trans and we have a trans woman to thank for everything? He was a drag queen. Kept saying he was and correcting people. (wouldn't that technically be misgendering at this point?)
You know we were watching this go down in real time on Tumblr. Didn't someone make a very long post with pictures of that night. Martha P Johnson showed up 2 hours before the first night ended. Never started it. Sylvia Rivera wasn't even there that first night.
When it was determined that a Black butch Lesbian actually started the Stonewall Riots. Eileen Myles the poet who now identifies as NB, made it a point to claim Storme' was a Transmasc NB. Then had a writer on NYT claim it, using Eileen Myles as her source. Because someone TRANS had to start the Stonewall Riots. I watched this go down on r/LGBDropT in live time in 2017/18.
You should find that post, and we should start posting it 2 times on Tumblr again.
I'm @darthvatrix but my phone blew up so I had to get new accounts @darthvatrix2. Glad to see you here.
Hey! I remember you! :) I'm no longer on Tumblr, but if you find that post, please reblog it often!
I've been telling old Lesbian war stories about your group of friends back then. I call you the Radfem Rebels. I've told them about the Eli Erlick and all those TIFs and Transmasc NBs asking for your help. The fact you found 50 TIM various White Nationalist blogs including Nazis in only an hour. That you guys found 100 TIM Pedophile blogs in 90 minutes; barely scratching the surface.
But you need to tell these adventures to the Ovarit women yourself. 😃
Before 2015, non-binary wasn't even an idea!
It was an academic theory before it went mainstream. And now is comfortably claim by a whole lot of Straight people.
They don't care about accurate record keeping, science, history-- nada. It's all about the bone, amirite
You know who "edits" history to center themselves and push their narrative? OPPRESSORS.
Very 1984 vibes.
JD Robertson covered some of this stuff in the Velvet Chronicle:
Honoring a Queen: the Marsha Johnson Story
Remembering Stormé: the Black Butch Lesbian who started the Stonewall Revolution