Reminder about posting videos to o/GenderCritical

Hi all!

We've noticed a lot of videos being uploaded to the circle recently and wanted to clarify a few things.

We do allow occasional videos from gender critical women, but most video posts are more suited to o/FeministVideos, which is intended not only for gender critical or radical feminist content but more general woman-centered content as well.

Please do not link to the videos of irrelevant conservative males like Ben Shapiro or Blaire White. These posts will be removed.

We ask that if you do post gender critical videos here, you post all videos as part of a text post that provides additional context or commentary about the video content. Include the link to the video in the text post instead of submitting it as a direct link post.


[Deleted]July 15, 2021

I wish there was a circle for videos in addition to o/feministvideos.

[Deleted]July 15, 2021
Mother-of-RatsJuly 15, 2021

Are archive links to Ben Shapiro and such allowed? I mean, even a stopped clock is right twice a day so if they’re making sense….

flapyourwings [OP]July 15, 2021

No, we don't want to give exposure to conservative men or make it seem like they're some kind of vanguard on fighting this issue. Anything they can say, a woman and a feminist has already said and said better.

[Deleted]July 15, 2021

I am so glad to hear this. Anything sensible a conservative man has said has already been espoused by a radical feminist with much more eloquence.

Mother-of-RatsJuly 15, 2021

Dangerously close to thought policing there but I’ll comply.

[Deleted]July 15, 2021(Edited July 15, 2021)

Nobody is thought policing.

-You find out the sky is blue and want to share that information.

-Two people have made a video, both videos contain the same information about the sky being blue.

-You have the choice between choosing the video made by a woman in alignment with your values or a man who opposes your values.

Thought policing would be telling you you’re not allowed to say the sky is blue, you’re only allowed to say the sky is green.

This is not that. No matter which video you choose, the thoughts and information you’re sharing are exactly the same.

Asking to center women over anti-feminist men on a feminist website is a perfectly reasonable request and not remotely “thought policing”, “engaging in group think” or cult-like.

[Deleted]July 15, 2021

Yeah I agree. It’s one of the reasons I’m cautiously active here. I like the GC shit and use it as a way to stay informed on those issues. If Ovarit starts actively censoring certain things, then it starts to feel too much like other sites.

I want to be able to see shit and come to my own conclusion. I appreciated that someone posted that video, and read the comments that that guy sucks. He was still right about this though and it was encouraging to see the comments on the video. I basically just want to know that the world isn’t completely insane. Ovarit is where I come for that reassurance.

proudcatladydust under JKR’s fridgeJuly 15, 2021

I wish we could have tags or something that people could filter out if they don’t want to see it. One of the things I like about this site is it isn’t constantly banning people like reddit and Twitter. I’ve had so many reddit accounts banned and expected the same thing to happen here, but it hasn’t. However, I always worry because there are subjects we aren’t allowed to really discuss and there are sources we aren’t allowed to share and it does begin to feel censorious. But I understand it’s a very slippery slope from allowing Ben Shapiro videos to being overrun by conservative MRAs.

I just wish there were a site where people could be guaranteed good-faith conversations and have full freedom to share or discuss whatever, but that’s never going to happen.

girl_undoneJuly 15, 2021

I’ve studied internet communities for a while now and I don’t think that’s possible. The free speech sites become overrun by men who are so repellent that they make every worthwhile person leave because they don’t want to see their nasty shit.

In any community, for every person who leaves a community because they’re banned from the top, you have a dozen or several dozen people who leave because they were made to feel unwelcome by other posters or because they felt alienated or bothered by the content from other posters. People visit communities because they have the content they want to see (including commentary). Most people are heathy and self aware enough that they don’t repeatedly do things that they find aversive, so aversive content repels people. General “free speech” communities don’t exist - the bounds of who stays and who is repelled just becomes determined by users.

I don’t want to lose a single feminist because we feature so much shitty conservative male commentary. That’s not a risk I want to take. I also do not want to attract people who like Blaire White or Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson videos. That’s not our target, and those people tend to cause problems for our community.

[Deleted]July 15, 2021

Yep that’s exactly what I want too!

LHJuly 30, 2021

Sorry, I am guilty of this! I will follow above guidelines the next time.

sconsolatoJuly 17, 2021

Thank you for this. I am still relatively new to posting, I appreciate the reminder, and I apologize.