Dear Democrats,
I would send you a letter signed with my name but such is the climate of fear that I do not trust that letter to not come back to me and bite me in some way. You have created such an atmosphere of Soviet-like punishment that I do not even dare write the elected officials who supposedly work for the public, for fear that some transactivist will submit my information to some website, and that there could be consequences for my family and career. So I write you this letter here on a website designed for likeminded women in the hopes that my voice might somehow get through to some of you.
Today for the first time in my life I voted in the US midterms for candidates who I do not believe in, people who I would never, ever vote for under different circumstances had your party not gone off the deep end with their blind support of gender ideology. Last night I was unable to sleep about it, I was so tormented by my decision, and so angry that it has come to this. It does not matter who I voted for, be it Libertarian, Republican, write-in, it did not matter: I voted for anyone who was not a member of your party.
A registered Democrat since I first turned eighteen, I have voted straight Democrat in every election up until now. I volunteered for more than one presidential campaign. I donated money to your party. In the fight of good versus evil, I sincerely believed that you were on the side of the good. You have betrayed women across the nation. You have broken my heart. Today I voted for people who I do not agree with almost anything on, most of whom I truly dislike. I held my breath and voted for these people I have almost nothing in common with ideologically except for one thing: they know the difference between a man and a woman, and they will not force me to speak those things that I know to believe untrue.
It is hard for me to believe that is where we are now, that this is where the bar is set. I find comfort in knowing that I am, in fact, not alone, but part of a trend greater than myself. I am surrounded by people in my life who know that what is happening is wrong, that what started out as good intentions, a desire to be tolerant, has become a destructive force that now actively harms girls and women every day. In the years to come, when you wonder why women have left you, let me solve this mystery for you now: you need to end this gender madness while you still can.
Even so, you will continue to play dumb. As women continue to leave your party, to vote for others, whomever they might be, many in your upper ranks will scratch their heads. Why on Earth are so many women voting for those nasty Republicans? Especially when the rights of “pregnant people” are at stake? What are we doing to lose all our voters with uteruses? We get to be women now only occasionally, when it serves you, and a collection of disparate body parts when it does not.
Listen to yourselves. Turn on NPR and listen to the way those voices tap dance around the word “woman,” the great lengths they will go to, to avoid even saying this terrible word. There is no mystery here. We are telling you in the clearest terms we know how, but it is your responsibility now to listen. Listen to the women--WOMEN, WOMEN, WOMEN--who are being raped in your prisons by biological males and then tell me once again that my reservations against gender ideology come from a place of hatred. Listen to the college athlete who spent her life working towards a dream that was ripped from her by another entitled male. Call me a bigot. Do it again, if that is all you’ve got. It’s just going to make me vote against you that much harder.
You can make me jump through hoops a little while longer, in public, in those places where you still hold power. You can force me to state my pronouns or call a man a woman or risk getting fired from my job. You can force me to pretend that some human beings are magically somehow neither male nor female but “non-binary,” and that this, somehow, is an issue just as important as important as any other, a hill your party is willing to die on, “the civil rights issue of our time,” as Joe Biden said, somehow equivalent to the plight of the homeless, the refugees, those afflicted by genocide, war, famine, and climate change. Continue to feed us lies and then be confused when we vomit in response. Tell us it is normal and good to offer confused and unhappy children synthetic cross-sex hormones and surgeries, that teachers should be fired from our public schools for refusing to play along. You have no good arguments, no logic on your side, only threats of punishment. Take a good look at what your party has become.
One day, hopefully soon, all of this will pass. We will awake from all this as if from bad dream. What was that? I was just trying to be a good person. I was trying to speak out for the oppressed! How did we get so far off track? There will be a long period of embarrassment, and a lesson to learn. Apologies and real repairs will need to be made. It is then, and only then, that I will consider voting for your politicians again.
In response to this letter, should any of you read it, I expect there will be attempts to shame and blame, or strike fear into those of us who care, who care so much about the issues, who care about women. I expect your party will dangle the abortion carrot-stick in front of us yet again, while threatening to take away our rights if we don’t comply. Go ahead and blame us for all your party’s problems, for all the world’s problems--women always take the blame anyway. Mumble your mantras; you no longer have my trust.
Nor will you have my vote.
A Woman; A Feminist; an Ex-Democrat
Man this resonated. Its weird how everyone thought I was the run-of-the-mill generic leftie and despite my views changing little, I'm a "fascist". Like wtf is happening.
Right? With the exception of certain immigration views (let's not let in more insanely misogynistic men that believe in acid throwing as a punishment please and thank you), my views have barely changed. Suddenly I'm a Nazi, and I didn't even see that one coming!
Don’t listen to those people. They’re nuts, as real fascists and zealots always are.
We have to go our own way now.
Same here… great articulation. Re abortion, it occurred to me that women in red states have de facto lost abortion rights 10+ years ago, via regulations. Why wasn’t the dnc making encoding roe way back then? Scotus frankly hasn’t really changed the distribution of access much. The states that made it illegal had already made it impossible anyways. My conclusion is the political capital wasn’t worth spending on poor women in states unlikely to flip. But we have infinite political capital for Dylan mulvaney.
I'll add for me, there's also the crime issue. No doubt we need police reform when it comes to punishing bad cops but that doesn't mean we need to fully turn to full forgiveness models. The system already barely punishes sexual and domestic assaults, we don't need to further pressure women into feeling guilty for not wanting to abolish prisons. This also goes for the lack of nuance when it comes to the homeless and drug addicts issues. They should be offered housing and treatment but if they won't take it on their own volition, then jail it is because women and children have the right to feel safe walking down the public streets and parks.
I have first-hand experience of this happening with the Eli Erlick rape/sexual assault case. Once I saw all the evidence (which now is even more publicly on the Internet if you look for it), I wanted to report all of this to either the college authorities or the police, but the victims actually reached out to me saying they didn’t want to scapegoat transgender women to make them look bad and they didn’t want to perpetuate the prison-industrial system.
It’s so sad how there was never any form of justice (because I did honor those wishes).
I have a feeling that this issue will become one of the more interesting discussions on Ovarit - now and in the years to come.
Partly because it is the rare issue on which we are not largely in agreement.
Which is fine.
I am - at the moment - still in the Dem voting camp, not because of abortion but because of class issues. I truly believe sexism is cruelest on poor woman, and that Repubs are bound and determined to make increasing numbers of women poor.
So despite my visceral disgust at Dems on this issue (and others that hurt women, primarily cultural relativism and coddling criminals), on balance I feel Dems are better for women.
On a bright note, as I mentioned in another discussion, I was thrilled to find NO mention of "LGBTQ" in my voters' guide and the raft of flyers that filled my mailbox the past few weeks. Of course Dems are still all-in on it, but at least they seem to know it's a losing proposition for them.
I fully respect other women's decision to see this thing differently. There may come a time that I do, as well.
When did Dems do anything to improve the lot of poor women? They seek to slam the door on us reproducing. Which, okay, having kids is one of the biggest reasons we get into or stay in poverty, but there are ways to alleviate those effects without basically banning us from the gene pool. And trying to ban us from the gene pool is all they do. Living minimum wage? Nah. Keeping jobs in the USA instead of exporting them? Nah. Having a strict biological definition of woman in federal law so men aren't counted as women in the labor stats? Nah.
There was the ACA (obamacare) who gave healthcare to 20 millions americans who couldn't afford it before and removed the issue of preexisting conditions. It wasn't directed at women, but there had to be a lot of women affected.
The ACA was so important and I get kind of annoyed at middle class people thinking it's worthless because it didn't help them specifically. Millions of young adults and poors are now insured that weren't before and there are no restrictions on pre existing conditions for those trying to buy insurance privately. Which wasn't an issue for those lucky and stable enough to have white collar jobs that offer a health care plan but for us that have to piecemail together health care it really is.
The ACA made it a requirement for insurance companies to cover pregnancy and birth control (even if Hobby Lobby somewhat gutted the latter). This was a win for women that I also hate to see downplayed.
Yes. Republicans are dedicated to "trickle down" economics, which was obviously just a way to make the rich richer before we had 40 years of proof. They intend to end social security within the next five years. Old women are the poorest, most vulnerable demographic in the world, and an end to social security is going to mean hell for them, and for us if we're lucky enough to even get old in the hellscape the republicans are trying their damnedest to create.
the real problem is that America has only two parties and the partisans in general have such black and white views about each other. democrats think republicans are all racist sexist homophobes while republicans think democrats are all whiny pronoun using transgender goblins.
the truth is, there is so much more than just this. people are different, people's views are not black and white like that. people are complex. a two party system will only cause more and more divide within a nation, and we're seeing it in real time. two party systems don't give enough room for nuance in views.
To fix this we would need to upend our entire electoral system, which would require... more voting to change laws. It's not impossible but
Tbh spicy take but often I feel like the USA is simply too large to be a country. We have too diverse of interests. I concentrate my efforts on the more local level where there's at least a chance of a local elected official somewhat representing their community
Democrats and Republicans both want to move toward 'stakeholder capitalism' where large corporations or groups of corporations financially 'own' nature and participate in world governance. No I'm not making this up you can look at the list of attendees at Davos and see what they have to say themselves. Republicans traditionally supported 'trickle down economics' but no one supports this anymore, not even the person who invented the concept, who apologized for it a solid 10-15 years back.
Social security is going away because of new economic policies that will strip everyone of their accumulated wealth, hyperinflation, etc. and although Dems have done more to create these problems than Repubs, all powerful people are on the same page about this. It does not break down along party lines.
Democrats and Republicans both want to move toward 'stakeholder capitalism'
Are MAGA Republicans on board with this as well? Genuinely asking.
MAGA's primary mission was to protect and provide economic opportunities for working class American citizens by rewriting trade deals, imposing tariffs on imported goods, creating decent paying jobs at home by trying to restart domestic manufacturing, ending Empire maintenance and expansion, and controlling legal and illegal immigration.
All of those are very much anti stakeholder capitalism. They actively threaten it. But they were unfortunately represented (and permanently stained by association) by a very flawed front man in Trump. The establishment opposition (who didn't take Trump's popularity and the core of his message seriously until it was too late) has been remarkably successful in rebranding those policy moves as being "racist" and "unprogressive". "Fascist", even.
Granted, some of Trump's supporters were unsavory, ugly minded people. But they were not the majority. The majority were people who wanted to stop their downward mobility in the global economy.
Meanwhile, the Investor class (which includes our politicians) continues to divide, conquer, and economically weaken the rest of us by amassing even more wealth and power. They control the Internoodle, the MSM, what we buy and who we buy it from. They even got themselves a new war just a few months after abandoning the old one.
Trump was a symptom, not a cause. MAGA is not going to go away anytime soon either.
The Dems are the ones currently doing less to help poor people and much much more to harm the economy though - and people keep moving out of blue states to red states for economic reasons, including businesses, individuals and families. I'm not sure how on earth you can claim that Dems are better on class issues when most ultrawealthy voters are Democrats and their policies result in such severe financial problems which they then ignore and deny. Just gas prices alone are going to hit poorer Americans hardest - and it's nowhere near hit the worst point yet as growing seasons impacted by hyper-expensive oil and gas are just beginning. These are a direct result of Dem policies and Dem overspending leading to the current inflation issues was again massive compared to prior overspending by Republicans. Just watch any CNN clip or whatever of a Democratic politician or a white house spokesperson being asked about cost of living and you'll see how much the Democrats 'care' about lower-class people.
Because it’s not a democrat issue, it’s not even an American issue. This is happening in every country in the world right now, we are in a global recession. And it has to do with late-stage capitalism (also a global issue!).
Yes, it's a global recession, largely started/precipitated by the actions of the US Democratic party and their financial/corporate backers. And the US Federal Reserve, of course.
But "global recession" aside, many of the issues that are specifically hitting poor Americans the hardest are ones which the Democratic Party made worse, deliberately, and which the White House and other Democrats are categorically denying are important, or even happening at all. So while Republicans also contributed to what happened pre-Biden Inauguration, the Democratic party certainly seems quite a bit worse on poverty issues.
So how does Republicans cutting taxes for the wealthy and voting against investigating oil company price gouging help any of us? I eagerly await your explanation.
All the republican representatives in my state are "100% PRO LIFE!!!" One of them co-sponsored a bill in my state that tried to legislate a surgery to re-implant ectopic pregnancies into the uterus. ya know, that completely made-up procedure that should totally exist because some politician said it should. I actively flip-off any billboard or political ad supporting him, and I think have sent an email that said simply "Fuck you, you misogynist prick." There is no 3rd party in that race to vote for, so for that particular race, my democratic vote is a vote against him, same for a few other races. Though to be sure, the democrats I'll be voting for have pretty measured LGBTQIA platforms on their campaign websites (supporting no discrimination with jobs, housing & such). And there is school board one I am still undecided on.
I'm with you on the sentiment though.
Wow. That’s probably the most absurd retcon of women’s biology from a male politician I’ve heard yet. Above “women should just hold their periods until they get to a toilet” and closely matched with “if it’s a legitimate rape the woman’s body has a way of shutting it down.”
One of them co-sponsored a bill in my state that tried to legislate a surgery to re-implant ectopic pregnancies into the uterus.
Jfc, what??? What a dbag
I get to cast a vote for a local black republican tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to that. His Dem opponent is a huge handmaiden who pledges her undying support for “LGBTQ rights”, “LGBTQ kids” and taxing everything that hasn’t been taxed yet. Which in my state ain’t much.
I will continue to vote for Democrats. I have far more faith that the Democratic Party will wake up and come to its senses about gender ideology than I do the Republicans waking up on abortion, paid leave, child care, gay rights, racism, trickle down economics, etc.
Republicans are also open about their intentions to interfere with voting right and elections so that when the day comes and Democrats wake up to the reality of gender ideology it will not be possible to get Republicans out of office.
Might be worth noting that the Democrats spent $43 million this election cycle promoting far-right Trump supporters and election deniers because they think those candidates will be easier to win against. Funny how the party that claims this election is the last gasp of democracy against fascism is supporting those very fascists.
I cannot in good faith support the Republican Party, but I doubt the Democrats are interested in anything more than the preservation of their own power.
Who...who is running the Democratic party??? Because that is a huge reason why Trump won, when they gave him ALL the news coverage because they didn't think he could possibly win. Is there not a brain amongst them?
I have zero problem with this tactic.
All the better if all the 'far right fascists' win, right? And then we can all complain about how evil Republicans are because they're far right, not a moderate among them, and taking away women's abortion rights, and the Democrats are the only ones who can save women, even though they think we don't exist and want men to come into our prisons, schools, change rooms, bathrooms etc. and rape/spy on us. Because the Dems having NO accountability at all is what we really need next election cycle!
< I have far more faith that the Democratic Party will wake up and come to its senses
Its been happening for so many years already, and they are doing their best to suppress, silence and misalign us before anyone has a say. Political dissent is basically not allowed. All while they indoctrinate our children. We're out of time in a race that started many years ago.
Can't cure delusions if people don't want to be cured of them. Not in "trans"people and not in political partisans either, apparently.
I don't fault you for feeling that way, but I also don't think the Dems will change their minds on trans unless they lose badly. But, regardless who wins tomorrow, GCs have a lot of work ahead of us.
I can't think of anyone more openly racist than current democrats. What fantasy are you talking about with interfering with voting rights and elections?
Fantasy of interfering with voting rights and elections? Did you sleep through the past 10 years of Republicans passing voter ID laws and concocting false claims of voter fraud, the death of the Voting Rights Act, racist gerrymandering, challenges to every policy meant to make voting easier and more accessible, the attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and Republican candidate after Republican candidate saying they won't accept the election results if they lose?
I appreciate your effort but forget it. A couple of the users here have clearly spent the past few years in a propaganda bubble, to the point that they think letting Republicans ban abortion and kill women is ok as long as kids aren't "shitting in litter boxes" or whatever clearly crazy bullshit they believe is happening.
LOL you know that, like, pretty much every other wealthy country in the world, and a lot of very poor and corrupt ones to boot, have voter ID laws right? Is it just Americans who are UNIQUELY too stupid to get some form of identification before voting? This is so bizarre to me. This isn't a problem for ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD.
And do you have proof the reports of voter fraud are false? What say you to the many recent instances of Dems accusing Republicans of voter fraud/vote rigging, like in the 2016 election? Was it fine because it was Democrats doing it?
Gerrymandering is done by whoever is in power at the time - Democrats do it too. Why is it not a problem when it benefits the Democratic Party?
And since when is submitting a plea to the courts to look at supposed electoral fraud a "threat to democracy"? Is the court system not part of the US political system?
Was it fine when Stacey Abrams spent 4 years not accepting her electoral loss? Is it fine when Democrats do it? Because Democrats sure do it.
I will never understand why Americans always have to be so special on the world stage, they can't run elections with ID and manual vote-counting like every other civilized country, they can't have normal in-person voting processes, they make sure the voting public accuses the electoral process of being fraudulent regardless who wins (2016, 2018, 2020, and now certainly 2022) and then they blame it on "the other party" instead of how they have to run things like a third world country in the 1980s.
Most cases of voter fraud have involved Republicans.
Lots of other countries have mail in voting. The idea that in person voting with ID verification is the only safe way to have an election isn't based in fact.
And counties with "Voter ID" laws often have a national identification card, something no Republican would ever support.
Every canvassing text I get asking me to vote democrat in the midterms gets some version of this as a response.
“I voted a straight democrat ticket because I care so fiercely about reproductive freedom and the sex-based rights of women. This is the only reason. Between now and 2024, I’m counting on the party I voted for to not abandon women just because we have no other choice. Please don’t let voters like me down.”
You should never admit to having no leverage and no alternative while begging someone to change.
I’m working on it. I think a lot of people (myself included) are struggling to know what to do with this election cycle, and whatever’s coming at us in 2024.
I hear you on this but I can’t vote for a party that is trying to ban abortion nationwide either. There’s no winning.
Thank you. I cannot believe anyone thinks it's a good idea to vote for Republicans. More women will suffer from abortion restriction than from trans crap, bad as it is.
It's truly unbelievable. Why do so many users here feel comfortable throwing women under the bus to stick it to TIMs?
If you're one of the people doing this, consider that you may not be a feminist.
Yes it’s incredibly short sighted to put concerns about trans bs over abortion rights. That’s probably a big part of the whole push for trans crap to begin with though 🙄
Yeah. At the end of the day, trans crap is collapsing under its own weight. Abortion is more important.
I'm hoping the Dems can hold onto the senate. Fingers crossed.
Same here. Abortion trumps almost everything I can think of as a 25/F who would kill herself if pregnant and unable to abort.
I understand. That is a valid way to feel.
I am not voting for anyone. From now on, anyone who wants my vote will have to earn my trust first, and then earn my vote. I'm not giving it out for free anymore. Not even as a protest vote. That only encourages the other bastards.
Yup that's what I've done the last few election cycles (I also dislike voting by mail and not having confidential voter records).
Agreed. I voted D and I'm not happy about with the party in general, but the upside is that my local politicians aren't "woke" and I didn't have to hold my nose at the polls.