DiscussionPeople simply don't understand
Posted November 8, 2022 by Luckystar in GenderCritical

So I took a bold leap recently and told a few friends I wouldn't be voting for several prominent Democrats in this election specifically because of their anti-woman views. The example I gave in question was Tony Thurmond, current California Superintendent of schools who is up for re-election.

I linked this article where Thurmond comes out stating he opposes schoolgirls having their own locker rooms:

https://edsource.org/updates/state-superintendent-warns-chino-valley-unified-that-proposed-anti-trans-resolution-is-illegal (archive link)

The group chat said they didn't see the problem, and one person quoted this part of the article which the others said they agreed with:

The proposal would restrict the use of restrooms, locker rooms, physical education classes, intramural sports and interscholastic athletic programs to students based on their “biological” gender. Schools would provide gender-neutral or single-use restrooms or changing areas as well as other alternatives in order “to address any student’s privacy concerns in using sex-segregated facilities.”

Sounds pretty sensible, they agreed. The problem? That's literally the evil twansfobic policy Thurmond was voicing opposition to.

They thought I was opposed to letting the genderspecials have a separate changing area, when really what I was opposed to is the abolition of women and girls' spaces. They didn't realize that not only was the latter on the table, it's the current policy.

This is California, they're all typical Democrat voters. They think that being an "LGBT ally" and "inclusive" means supporting sensible compromises like adding a genderspecial locker room. They don't realize it means abolishing women's spaces.

They had no idea that the actual policy is that women and girls are not allowed ANYTHING of our own, that the actual policy is that literally EVERYTHING must be ceded to ANY man at any time. The idea that a whole ass fully intact teen boy with male genitalia would demand access to watching teen girls undress was absurd to them, but it's literally the law here.

I am reminded of the Wi Spa incident which took place in LA. The woman there also had no idea it was California law.

I feel like we need a huuuuge PR campaign. How is it that women in the UK are so much more aware of the issues? Things are just as dire if not moreso in California.

When Republicans vote R, they generally know they're voting against abortion access. When my friends blindly check a box next to (Democrat) they don't even realize they're voting against women's rights and spaces. They don't know what they're voting for!

How do we even raise awareness?

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