Here are 4 reasons Im suspicious: (apologies for formatting đ )
When I saw his first fundraiser, it rubbed me the wrong way so I started googling. I remember reading an article about him being charged with harassment because he was stalking ex-scientologist women. I've been looking for that (I'll post when I find it, theres a lot of coverage of his recent activies making this hard) but along the way I found a bunch of FB comments or forum comments talking about him being a manipulator, befriending women to learn about them and later attacking them.
When he first stated getting GC attention, he initially flipped out at feminists and went on to block all of those questioning him. He we on to say something like "its good Im here, bc you need a bold man to aggressively fight the battle against gender ideology" when tons of women pointed out that feminists have been doing that for years, he got even more pissed.
He fundraisers are always a lot more money than needed for his trips IMO
He apparently has a job and a family but it seems he spends a HUGE amount of time (almost 24/7) on the road.
Hes been getting even more traction with orgs and well known GCs recently. I wish we had a bunch of receipts we could show ppl to warn them that hes not to be trusted. I'd love receipts of him flipping out at feminists and spewing MRA rhetoric on twitter, receipts of criminal charges and if possible, a cataloging of his fund raisers. And anything you find obviously.
I've found a few things but my sleuthing skills are minimal and I don't really have time to spend on this, will you pls help?
Thanks gyns <3
Edit 1:
wtf is this? i wouldnt do this if I was in his position, I wouldnt support pro choice feminists doing this to pro lifers for ex.
Here's a FB post where a woman who was taken in by him talks about this pattern of behaviour
It is well established (by ex scientologists in high positions of power) that multiple times, they have auditioned females to be the gfs of celebrities under false pretences. Here is he is spreading scientolgist propaganda, denying this, as late as 2019.
Edit 2: found this great post by @YesthatAnna on here (Anna Slatz)
- After the JK Rowling billboard was taken down, Chris began erecting more and more JK Rowling billboards despite the emerging hesitancy of feminist activists who rightly said that the tremendous amount of money he was raising and spending could better be served elsewhere (such as donations to VRR), and that it seemed like he was getting very egotistical. He was centring himself and his fame over the movement.
- Chris then started blocking and harassing GC/RadFems en mass on twitter, claiming that GC Feminists and their slogans were TRAs. one of MANYYYY examples. There is a reason feminists stopped associating with him at this time.
- Chris threatened Meghan Murphy with lawsuits and cryptic threats for mildly criticising him.
- Chris also claimed Holly Hutton (organiser for GIDYVR) was in cahoots with Scientology. This is because she was interacting with Monique Rathbun, another former scientologist who Chris irrationally believes is laundering money for the church of Scientology. A few years ago, Chris launched a social media cancel campaign against this poor woman's business.
- In October 2020, Chris was arrested after Police felt he was instigating chaos and provoking people at a protest. The protest had nothing to do with gender -- it was for Mi'qmak'i fishermen who had been subject to racist abuse by white fishermen in Nova Scotia.
- One video I found particularly upsetting was this one, which only got about 200 likes, where he actively follows a young female TRA. Yes, she is upset, but she is clearly trying to get away from him and he does not let her create distance between them. We may disagree with her, but we can also say this is shit journalism tactics.