RantThe sheer hypocrisy of Hogwarts Legacy moralizers is driving me insane.
Posted February 9, 2023 by hate_on_a_plate in GenderCritical

Every single person I have seen shame Hogwarts Legacy players uses fancy electronics made with metals mined in Southeast Asia. They wear clothes made by children for pennies. They eat factory-farmed meat. They do these things every single day, so much that it's invisible to them. Food comes from GrubHub and clothes come from Amazon; they give no further thought to the process. If forced to confront it, they wave away the consequences with "no ethical consumption under capitalism".

And yet playing a video game set in a world invented by a woman who believes sex is real is somehow the line in the sand for these people. They're posting things like "I care more about trans people staying alive than about a fictional wizard" and getting thousands of likes. A friend of mine shared this video on Facebook, which includes the absolute stunner of a line "clearly you don't have the ability to look inside and see why it is that you're purchasing these things". Said friend buys more plastic nonsense from Amazon in a month than I do in a year. The complete lack of introspection would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.

To be clear, I'm not trying to moralize either. I can't stand preaching and hectoring, and I understand that it's impossible to exist as a being in this world without having some kind of negative external effect. That's life. I'm not asking anyone to become an ascetic. I'm just asking for some goddamn humility and a little less pharisaical hand-wringing. Let he who is without sin cancel the first goddamn gamer.

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