These are bad. Archive link.
I thought TIMs were bad with gender-based stereotypes (and they definitely are), but these answers go beyond offensive to what the fuck is wrong with you? Trying to wear 'masculinity' that is so fragile even when worn by actually 'manly' men, let alone women trying really hard to, well, look hard. And for all this effort to be 'tough', these ridiculous answers make these women seem emotionally unstable and in need of an intervention for whatever is ACTUALLY going wrong with their lives that they're using their trans identity to cover up or distract from it.
And I know the title of the post is 'DUMBEST dysphoria trigger' but these aren't just dumb, they're downright unhinged.
Some of the most ridiculous answers:
With TIMs, I know this is a little fucking sex thrill for them. They could be surrounded by brilliant women and it wouldn't matter.
With TIFs, I wonder OFTEN if they ever leave their fucking bedroom to talk to people. People being either men or women. Do they know anybody outside of their own parents? Are the only males and females that exist in their lives K-Pop stars and sexualized anime characters?
I've never seen a person, male or female, pop off the top from a Blue Moon bottle?!?! Not once! MEN HAVE BIG, FULL, LARGE LIPS ALL THE TIME!?!?! What the hell are they talking about?
Correct pronoun use by the paper, and correct sexing by the police spokesperson!
And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.