GC Social MediaGC and/or Feminist YouTube List Part 2
Posted April 21, 2023 by BJ581 in GenderCritical

I am a YouTube addict and a few years ago I created a list that I posted here of all the GC or feminist YouTube Channels I knew of, that cohort has grown exponentially since then. So, I wanted to give my updated list to those interested in new-to-you content or a creator you may have missed. YouTube has also changed their link system, so I suspect most of them do not work now haha.

I have chosen to mostly omit conservative channels (i.e. The Spectator, Matt Walsh). To be honest, they get enough airtime (and sponsors???), and I just don’t care. There’s a million of them and I would be here all day. I also chose to omit peripheral channels this time, AKA the ones that are focused on things other than feminism or GC topics but sometimes touch on this subject (i.e., Deep Green Resistance). There are just so many now, which is awesome. If you want to find some, I recommend searching for the person you’d like to see speak (i.e., Helen Joyce, Maya Forstater, Dr. Emma Hilton, etc.). That said, if there is a creator I failed to include, please shout them out in the comments, even if it’s your content, and I will add it. Please don’t be shy, I always need new videos.

Quick Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all the channels linked in this thread. There are plenty of creators on this list I actively dislike and do not subscribe to. They are on the list because they are gender critical and/or feminist content creators, not because I like or support their content. Some are feminists, some are not, most are overwhelmingly feminist or GC or both. Someone here might like their content, even if I don’t, everyone is in a different place on their journey. So please don’t get mad at me, I may very well dislike them too, and I am not trying to hurt or offend anyone, and I apologize if I have. I keep this list for someone in my real life, so I just try to have them all. I am not affiliated with any of these creators in any way, other than as a subscriber to some.

The list, in alphabetical order:

Affirmation Generation

A Slightly Twisted Female

A Special Place in Hell Added by @beaglesandbourbon

A Wider Lens

Actual Feminism

Add Bow If Girl

Aja the Empress

Alf Up A Tree

Ali Bee

Amir Odom

Arielle Scarcella

Arty Morty

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Benjamin Boyce Added by @bapacito

Biological Reality

Cambridge Radical Feminist Network

Can I Get a Witness Voices

Cassandra’s Box

Ceri Black

Clive Simpson

Crime Analyst

Days of Boyhood Added by @misandreee

Deedee Fanta

Detrans Awareness Day is March 12

Distorted Linds

Dr. Jessica Taylor

Dystopian Deep Dives

Ella Androphobia

Elly Arrow

Erin Brewer

Ex Aisle, Exmarkstherot, Isles of Ex

Feminist Claire

Feminist Heretics



Gender Critical Research Network

Gender Critical Thinking

Gender Critiques


Genevieve Gluck

GNC Centric

Grace Adetoro

Graham Linehan

Helen Staniland

Holly Lawford-Smith



Irish Women’s Lobby

Jane Clare Jones

Jane Williams

Jonquil Jones

Kai Decadence Added by @CathyVeratti

Karen Actually

Kelly-Jay Keen AKA Posie Parker

KingCritical, KC Streams

Known Heretic

Laetitia KY

LGB Alliance

LGB Alliance Australia

Liberal Voice for Women

Lime Soda Films

Lisa Michele Added by @CathyVeratti

Magdalen Berns

Make More Noise

Maiden Mother Matriarch with Louise Perry


Meghan Murphy


Nena M.

Nordic Model Now

Outspoken Women

Paradox Institute

Peachyoghurt Genderfree

Peak Trans

Peridot Eyes

Pink Grandma

Pique Resilience Project


Queering the Patriarchy

Radfem DE – content is in German.

Radical Ramblings

Rad Mom Added by @CathyVeratti

Rex Landy Added by @missandreee



Ryan Pennington

Same Sex Attracted & Cancelled

Save Women’s Sports

Schrodinger’s TransCat

Sekhmet She-Owl

Sex Matters

Skirt Go Spinny

skxtnkween Added by @misandreee

Stephanie Winn (Some Kind of Therapist)

TERF Collective

TERF Talk Down Under

Terven Priestess

The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

The Countess Conversations

The Court of the EDIJester

The Deprogrammer, The Deprogrammer Backup Channel


The Famous Artist Birdy Rose

The Giggle Podcast

The Hungry Hearts Performance Band

The Masked Guy

The State Media

Thoughts on Things and Stuff

Transgender Trend

Ute Heggen Added by @CathyVeratti

Vancouver Rape Relief

Venice Allan

Welcome to the Dollhouse Added by @misandreee

Whose Body Is It

Women’s Place UK

Women’s Declaration International

Women’s Human Rights Campaign-USA

Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)

Women’s Liberation Radio News

Women’s Space Ireland

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