"I am an educated middle class white male Democrat”

The mods: Ah okay, we won’t silence this one.


DMforwomenslandnearuApril 27, 2023(Edited April 27, 2023)

"I am an educated middle class white male Democrat who has similar friends. In secret, we all have skepticism and criticism of radical gender theories that have popped up in the mainstream in the last fee years. But in public we stay silent for fear of getting excommunicated from the most fragile woke people in our social circles."

Some suggest that cancel culture has had a 'chilling effect' on people speaking their minds.

Re: this, this article is getting posted around, I really loved it: https://www.thefp.com/p/an-illustrated-guide-to-self-censorship

One gripe of mine: I believe that trans individuals suffer from mental illness. 5 years ago, the vast majority of people would not find this stance offensive. But now I am treated as though I want to put them in concentration camps.

That's why I wouldn't make that argument. It's a diversion. No matter how mentally ill someone is, it doesn't change the reality of sex.

Besides, mental illness in TIMs is typically a consequence of their paraphilia (like hormone-induced depression) or a comorbidity (like narcissism).

Hedge_WitcherooApril 27, 2023

The people claiming "no one's trying to erase sex, show me one example" are either massive trolls or haven't been on social media recently.

[Deleted]April 27, 2023
[Deleted]April 27, 2023(Edited April 27, 2023)

See the trans commenter in there trying to discredit the idea of AGP? lol They’re so predictable.

Username “a passing thot.” Nice. Prob an AGP male himself.

Committing_TerveryApril 27, 2023

Most definitely an AGP, with that username 🤮

ElizabelchUnpopular Opinions, LLCApril 27, 2023

Yes, they love to discredit or imply that certain concepts are outdated or pseudoscience. "Who still supports the idea of autogynephilia?" Yes, much like people still support the idea of gravity or a round Earth.

[Deleted]April 27, 2023

I'm surprised that centrists haven't been banned yet for not worshipping the Gods of Mount Transition. Anything vaguely centrist is like "evil TERF bigot Nazi conservative white Christian boomer" rhetoric to Preddit admins.

EavaApril 27, 2023

Now that men are feeling it too, maybe change will come faster.