Rant“the bathrooms in your house are gender neutral”
Posted May 1, 2023 by pistachiomuffins in GenderCritical

Yes, because the people in my house aren’t fucking strangers!! I’m so tired of this idiotic argument. Guests in my home that I know and trust to behave appropriately are NOT the same as random men in a restaurant, bar, or club.

The rebuttal makes even less sense given the fact that not all gender neutral restrooms in public spaces are private one-person rooms with full-length doors. Personally I’m not interested in sitting with my pants around my ankles when there could be a man twice my size in the room with me and nothing between us but a flimsy stall door with a half-broken lock. And even if we’re ignoring the very real threats of assault or harrassment in these situations, I also don’t want: urinals in my bathrooms, pee on the floor around the toilets if there are no urinals, toilet seats left up in the stalls, men next to me at the sinks, or men waiting in line for the bathroom with me.

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