RantLiberals are a bunch of fakes
Posted May 10, 2023 by [Deleted] in GenderCritical

I’m a liberal, right off the bat, but I really dislike my side.

We act like high school when someone is cool one day, and shunned the next. We’re suddenly besties with whomever is popular and only care about whatever fad is in right now.

I’m as chronically online as the next person, and most of my large amount of friends on FB are fellow liberals, the kind that post BLM, Stop Anti-Asian Hate, Pro Choice, etc.

They all pretty much post performative trans and drag stuff now for quite a while.

As long as it’s been trending, is as long as people passionately care online.

No one cares about anything that’s not trending. I don’t see anyone still posting BLM, never anything about the women in Iraq, stopped paying any attention to Ukraine, etc.

It’s not in, they don’t care.

The other day, I posted a screenshot for the FBI’s hate crime statistics, that have trans at the bottom, and blacks, Asians and Jews at the top.

My caption was, “There’s a genocide of African Americans, Asians and Jews in the USA”- no one paid it any attention.

But every time I post a pro-trans (part of my experiment) sentiment, it gets lots of interest and interaction.

This is who these people are. I used to get annoyed about conservatives calling liberals sheep, but they’ve got our number on that one.

I used to think it was dumb when they posted “I care about the latest thing”, but it’s also very apt.

Also, most of my friends are in my field, and they don’t even care about travesties in our field- unless one of the field celebrities posts about it. Then suddenly everyone cares big.

We’re so fake and ridiculous. It’s no wonder that the gender cult has taken hold of them so strongly. Keep it trending, and you’ll keep hold of their performative interest.

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