Nice of them to keep a historical record of this violence against women.
Just for good measure
For some reason the images in that archive aren't showing up, I don't know if it's just my computer but this archive link has pictures intact, so I'll just add it in case: https://archive.st/archive/2021/7/wellcomecollection.org/lui0/wellcomecollection.org/articles/XjFY1hQAACMAKesE.html
How anyone can look at healthy breasts floating in a jar and think it's a good thing is beyond me. One of the other objects is a pencil sharpener with the blade removed, as a reminder of how transition helped with their self-harming. And yet, removing healthy breast tissue isn't "self-harming."
Ugh, and of course another one of the other objects on display is a My Little Pony doll.
"Immersing myself in My Little Pony is how I manage pedophilia dysphoria."
Omg, one day this will be shown and everyone will wonder if there was PCP in the water we drank . . .
My grandma had triple negative breast cancer so I’ve always mentally prepared for my own potential mastectomy.
I actually quite like my breasts and I’m sad that the day may come that they have to be sacrificed to protect me.
Women mutilating their healthy bodies for the patriarchy just makes me want to cry.
I see a celebration of the hatred towards one's body and of humanity.
I sympathize so hard with women who chop their boobs off, I've fantasized about that so often and a part of me cheers them on. But celebrating the hatred we feel for our bodies is another level of disgust. Coming to terms with the body you were born in is fucking tough, but we seem to be into easy and instant results.
Also, those jars of boobs are nasty. >.>
Museum of women's history displays pieces of a lobotomized female brain
Disgusting. Also the my little pony stuffed animal is telling on themselves
Transology rhymes with Scientology.
(My brain can't even grapple with the display. Can't even.)
Tangentally relevant, whenever I see the name Laurel Hubbard, I think of L. Hubbard the founder of scientology. xD
I predict one day this author will have to write a revised edition of this book and include the photos of the breasts in jars, as well as diagrams of the gender surgeries performed in our day: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/13/books/review/icepick-surgeon-sam-kean.html
I have been saying for over a year that this will all eventually come to be viewed the same way we now view lobotomies, barbaric, unethical, surgeons with god complexes, and woman hatred. History repeats itself.
That is a horror show. How tragic. I really can’t wrap my head around it. Cutting off healthy breasts for something that they can’t undo when they realize that it was a mistake.
Of course one of the trans affirming items on display is a fucking My Little Pony doll...
This reminds of a museum of medicine in Vienna that I visited during a vacation. It has exhibits from when medicine and mental health weren't well understood, which are quite horrific.
Sorry if this is a weird question but why are the nipples on the boobs? Don’t most TIFs keep their nipples for their mastectomies? Or is it not possible with the procedure?
That is a nauseating and horrifying pic. I can’t believe this is being pushed as progressive :( I’m sorry to all the women who have done that to themselves.
I think it depends on the type of surgery but I’m not entirely sure. I’ve seen a few TIFs without nipples and I always just assumed that their mastectomy was botched.
A friend just got it done today. She went to F to NB to now “NB masc”. My heart hurts - I hope she will not regret it.
Oh goddess that's tragic, I'd have such a hard time watching a woman I know, especially a friend, do this to themselves. I hope she comes out ok from all this, but I have a hard time imagining that most of these women won't regret it eventually, this trans celebration parade will die down eventually, and lawsuits and malpractice suits will become more and more commonplace, I think then they will have to face what they did to themselves.