HumorPROPOSAL: The “TransTrans” Movement
Posted May 23, 2023 by kalkazar13 in GenderCritical

Earlier last night, on the /o/Radfemmery, I posted a meme I’d found about “TransTrans Women.” Someone in the comments half-jokingly suggested we make a flag for it, and I tried designing one myself.

It might seem a little odd that I went to all that trouble to make such an ugly little flag. But I’ve been thinking about it since last night, and I’ve realized that it might actually be a great idea to make this an actual movement.

Hear me out. If we played this right, we could turn their own weapons against them in a way that the “SuperStraights” never could. All we have to do is ask for “the same rights as transwomen,” which would include…

  1. The right to our own spaces.

  2. The right to call ourselves “lesbians,” and sleep with whoever we want WITHOUT being shamed for excluding certain groups from our dating preferences (like “translesbians” who don’t want to sleep with other “translesbians” etc.).

  3. The right to claim spaces reserved for transwomen: I.e. invade “transwomen only” spaces, claim spaces reserved for transwomen in companies (while making sure to trumpet how we constitute “queer representation” for them), and so on and so forth.

You get the idea. I propose that we all take on “TransTrans” identities, which will all just be caricatures of the worst trans stereotypes we can possibly think of.

I also propose that we invade every online TRA space we can, and actively try to make them worse. Center ourselves in every conversation, attack everyone else over the dumbest “microaggressions” imaginable, pollute their interests by demanding “representation” in every disgusting pedophile anime that they enjoy etc. I invite you all to be creative in your approach 😈

We should also make our own subreddits, twitter accounts and discords. But we should also obviously try to take over THEIR subreddits and discords as well. Act all innocent like “Awm I wwewcome hewe? 👉🥺👈 uwu,” and then claim moderator positions and start banning everyone for no goddamn reason at all over the pettiest imaginable shit lmao.

We’ll also finally have an excuse to create lesbian-only spaces on certain websites, which I think we should exploit. E.g. create “TransTrans Lesbian” subreddits, where the “About” sections will all read like “This is a space for TransTrans Lesbians only! Pls no dirty cishets or halftrans ppl pls k thx 🤗.”

Creating some more generalized “TransTrans” subreddits/discords would also probably be in order. These will be “Safe Spaces” for us, where we’ll be able to post our own “before and after” photos without fear of judgment. In the first few images, we’ll be dressed up like normal. And then in the next, we’ll be wearing baldcaps, askew fluorescent wigs, diapers, makeup that makes us look like Batman villains who haven’t shaved in weeks, and whatever other horrible things we can think of. Naturally, the comments will be extremely affirming: say we look “beautiful” and “just like real trans people” etc. Again, I’ll leave the specifics to your vivid imaginations.

If any of you had reservations with this, I’d totally understand. It obviously wouldn’t be safe to do in real life, given how dangerous these people are. But as an online stunt? I honestly think it’s kind of perfect. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I am in awe at how perfect it might actually be.

So let us take our hideous new flags and march back upon Reddit. Return to all the websites that cast us out, and plant our ridiculous oriflammes in the soil. If they say that we’re lying, that we’re actually TERFs, we can point out that people can change, just like how many of THEM used to be Nazis etc. And we’ll do it with all those insincere smiles that they always have, and that overtly condescending patience that they always shoot towards everyone else.

I think this could be pretty damn good if we’re clever about it. Who’s with me?


CaeruleaMay 23, 2023

Pls no dirty cishets or halftrans ppl pls k thx 🤗.”

Halftrans! 😭🤣🤣🤣 Genius.

[Deleted]May 23, 2023

This is a space for TransTrans Lesbians only! Pls no dirty cishets or halftrans ppl pls k thx 🤗

I don't think that will work since their schtick is inclusivity. You would have to only exclude people for "transtransphobia".

CaeruleaMay 23, 2023

That will be easy enough, with all the TRA rage that will happen.

[Deleted]May 23, 2023

The list of rights you are asking for is also exclusive. In order to completely turn this around on them, you have to ONLY be inclusive. You could start by saying that the following groups of people are welcome in the transtrans community and have the right to use the LGBTQIA+ flag, the trans flag, and the transtransflag:

  • cis women
  • cis men
  • TERFs
  • Andrew Tate fans
  • MAGA fans
  • neo-Nazis
  • dogs

All these categories should be allowed to call themselves women, and lesbians if they want to. If people start saying that anyone should not be included, firmly remind them that this is transtransphobic hate speech and they should educate themselves.

kalkazar13 [OP]May 23, 2023

Except they exclude people as well. That’s the point. When they complain about US being exclusive, we can point out that we are only as exclusive as they are, and let the world see what hypocrites they are as they start raging and sending us death threats anyway.

IrishTheFrenchieMay 23, 2023

There's something sort of like this- BioTrans. AFAB transwoman and AMAB transmen. LOLOL



kalkazar13 [OP]May 23, 2023

I've seen that too lol. But I think it'd be different if there was a whole ARMY of us doing that.

And more importantly, it'd be a very interesting new way to fight for female-only spaces. That's why I think we should actually do it.

frankincenseMay 23, 2023

I love it! I've always love biotrans circumgender, it is one of the most hilarious jokes. But half trans takes the cake 🎂!

PointerMay 23, 2023

Make some bots to do it?

warriordykeMay 23, 2023

I love the idea, but in practice, I'm not sure it will be effective.

kalkazar13 [OP]May 23, 2023

It's not gonna win us the war or anything. But it'll be fun as hell, and if people see TRAs seething over us doing to them what they've always done to us, I think it'll open some eyes.

Not everyone will get it, of course. But enough will get the message, and I do believe some will even peak. A little publicity won't be a bad thing for our cause. So I think that makes it worth the attempt.

warriordykeMay 23, 2023

I think it would make a good publicity stunt for sure, hopefully it will help people see the flaws in TRA logic.

BeachBleachMay 23, 2023

Yes, the pasty white guy that said he identifies as a gay trans lesbian and they got mad at him. Left them sputtering, which is perfect.

SuperStraight worked for about a week, but this is better.

This is my original thought: I identify as a billionaire. I'm transfinancial!!
This means that everyone should send me all their money, immediately if not sooner.

Please respect my identity! I'm transfinancial!