Lydia aka "Insufferable TERF" speaks truths.
Her twitter link
Well worth listening to this 6min speech found on this link
Transcript of speech. Doesnât do it justice, and recommend listening.
I have a message for you, and it may not be a nice message but I think it is a message that needs to be heard. <Explains the conditions for women and girls in her home country of East Africa.>
So I have to say now Iâm 30 years old so thanks to the work of the feminists before me I have lived my life in complete freedom, I had complete consent and it baffles me that we have come to a point in the West where women are expected to take a step back on behalf of men and then have the guts to call it progress. Iâm sure Iâm not the only person here who is a bit confused by that notion.
So Iâm telling you now that although it is hard to speak up and you will receive a lot of hate - Believe it or not, Iâve been called a Nazi, a fascist, Iâm apparently comparable to the killers of Emmett Till, for those of you who donât know that was a 14 year old boy who was killed brutally burnt and then lynched in the US about 70 years ago.
Why? Because I think that men do not belong in our spaces. And the thing is, that these spaces, we donât only have them for our safety and for our privacy and for our participation. This is about consent. The moment governments tell us we need to be able to just let these men come in while we are in states of undress, while we need intimate care, while we are in a jail cell, while we have to share a shower with them, this is extreme abuse and as far as I am concerned this is a crime against humanity.
Here is my message to the International Criminal Court. Why are you silent when countries that are bound by you are as we speak letting in men into womenâs prisons. Right now there is a war between Ukraine and Russia. If either one of them would put men innwomenâs prisons, we would call it a war crime. But our governments just decide this on a Tuesday afternoon, in the name of inclusion.
Enough is enough. The thing is we need to stand up. Everyone needs to stand up. Because the price of speaking up will only grow exponentially from this point. If you donât know what Iâm talking about, take a look at the UK, where just this week a woman has heard she might be assigned an offender officer, who she has to ask for permission before she posts on social media, who she needs to grant access to her house. Now right now we are talking about womenâs rights because it is women and children that are being hurt first and foremost, but make no mistake we as a society have a problem when you can not speak truth anymore and when a man is a woman not just in social interactions but in law. We cannot have a democratic society where we are not allowed to speak truth and where the truth is not the one and single foremost thing important when we are standing in front of a judge.
So, I call upon all women of the West, and I tell you, you have been the beacon of womenâs rights, for well at least in my entire life, so now is the time to stand up for your rights. Because they were not given to you by free and they are willing to take it away by force as we have seen time and a time again. I mean, for heavens sake, we are in the middle of Europe, talking about womenâs rights and we need police protection. Donât get me wrong, Iâm very happy you are here. (Thanks police in Dutch.) But just the fact that this is necessary is beyond my imagination. If someone had told me this 10 years ago, I would have laughed at them.
So to finish this with a positive note. Iâm very happy everybody is here, Iâm happy to see so many different women from different countries. Kelli, you are indeed the most dangerous woman on earth right now. And thank you so much for having me speak here.
She was amazing, I tuned in just as she was finishing up but wound the time back to listen to all of her speech. It was incredibly inspiring.
WOW! It always amazes me when I hear speeches with such energy tempered by eloquence. So impressive. Hearing her talk about womenâs treatment in east Africa is heartbreaking, and sheâs right - it IS shocking that the west is actively trying to remove womenâs rights to privacy and consent. And furthermore making it more difficult to participate in society when safe spaces are removed! She is brilliant and I hope I get to hear her speak one day.
OMG what a total badass! Just a reminder that pretending men can become women is a luxury that only the most privileged in the most privileged free societies can entertain as progress. Liberal Feminists don't care about the most vulnerable women their "feminism" doesn't include them.