Hi, these are my stickers! I changed the offering today, actually. I put up a bunch of slogans to see which ones people seemed to like the best and them picked the ones I felt were the most succinct and that people liked the most. I had no idea they had been posted here until after. I just added new stickers to the store, if anyone happens to see this and is interested. The website (if anyone is having an issue) is womanforwomen.gumroad.com or bit.ly/W4WSTICKERS.
For anyone looking to order: I ordered only a few hours ago and already received shipping confirmation. Thanks for posting OP!
I’ve never clicked “buy” so fast. Those slogans are INCREDIBLE and even at double the donation price the value is insane. She’s doing the goddess’s work out here. Can’t wait to stick these on everything.
I'm getting an error message:
Page not found The thing you were looking for doesn't exist.
Hi, these are my stickers! I changed the offering today before I knew I was posted on Ovarit, which is why you might have been getting an error. The website is womanforwomen.gumroad.com or bit.ly/W4WSTICKERS.
Weird, me too now. She could be updating her site or something, but I'll let her know.
Hi, these are my stickers! I changed the offering today before I knew I was posted on Ovarit, which is why you might have been getting an error. The website is womanforwomen.gumroad.com or bit.ly/W4WSTICKERS.
Those are great! Would you also ship to Germany?
I love these apart from the ones advocating violence/murder. I honestly do not believe violence or even threatening violence is the way to go.
"Kill a misogynist" "Kill your rapist" "Dead rapists don't reoffend"
I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want anyone to be killed, and I don't want to associate with people who do.
This one is also problematic for obvious reasons: "no uterus, no opinion". I get that it's more catchy than "never had a uterus, no opinion" but the way it's worded is just playing into TRAs and their stupid arguments.
Thanks for saying this. Anger at rape and misogyny is justified. But I can’t and won’t give money to sites selling violent rhetoric.
Exactly. The anger is good and righteous and gives us energy, but we need to channel that energy constructively. Descending into violence and threats of violence makes as just as bad as them.
Women advocating for self-defense after they have been violently raped or abused by a man will never make a woman, “just as bad as them.” Men have been oppressing, raping, murdering, and enslaving women world-wide for thousands of years. A sticker advocating for self-defense will never come close to making any woman “as bad as them.”
“Kill a misogynist” is not advocating for self-defense.
I soundly reject and denounce rape and violence against women. I also soundly reject and denounce calls for violence against ideological opponents.
Misogyny isn’t an “ideology.” It’s an expression of the power imbalance that women have suffered under for thousands of years due to the patriarchy.
Considering that women are highly unlikely to be violent let alone try to overpower a man, I think you’re taking that sticker a little too literally. Although I have no problem with women who have been victims of male violence (funnily enough, most of us. I wonder why the inverse isn’t true?) defending themselves.
But I see that you have higher standards for women’s behavior than you do for non-women.
I won’t derail anymore.
Hi, these are my stickers! I changed my stock and removed most of the offending stickers before I was even notified that I had been posted on Ovarit. If you are interested, I think the remaining sticker messages are fairly inoffensive.
Hey, neat. I will check them out again. I really respect your willingness to respond to feedback and update your shop, and it sounds like that was already your plan. Cool.
I had a similar feeling even though I 100% do agree with those messages (and dead rapists don’t reoffend I would order). I don’t necessarily want to live in a world where stickers are up advocating for anyone’s killing. Even if they genuinely should be killed.
I agree with you. I don't really care for the violent ones either.