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[Deleted]June 15, 2023

Imagine being a 17 year old boy and looking at a LIFE TIME of:

  • needing artificial hormones (ka-ching for the pharma industry)

  • being infertile

  • having child size genitalia, irreversible

  • never experiencing physical love, orgasms etc

That is just cruel...

TortoisemouseJune 15, 2023

And if any set of circumstances were enough to induce suicidal thoughts.... that's it right there.

[Deleted]June 15, 2023

Yeah just look at the incel subs on reddit, they regularly say they want to kill themselves because women don't give them sexual attention. And that's completely normal men who just happen to be disgusting misogynists. But what about a whole demographic of boys who will never be able to experience romantic love and a relationship? No matter how hard they try or how sweet and kind they are?

It's one thing to be normal and get rejected because you're an asshole. You could change that at least in theory. But these boys are now essentially forced to live the lives of medieval monks. Forever with no end ever. Unspeakably cruel.

TortoisemouseJune 15, 2023

I guess at least they don't have a sex drive? Maybe they won't fully understand what has been taken from them.

pennygadgetJune 15, 2023

I guess at least they don't have a sex drive? Maybe they won't fully understand what has been taken from them.

Not knowing what they lost is a special kind of hell. Just look at poor Jazz Jennings. He clearly craves romance and a normal relationship like the kinds his siblings and peers have. But he literally doesn't understand how romantic/sexual attraction works. He is forever cut off from one of the most common and crucial aspects of being an adult. He wants the romance and companionship; but he's been rendered an unsuitable partner for 99% of the population. And its clear that part of his mental health spiral stems from coming to terms with this

ChronicityJune 15, 2023

They will know that they are missing out on romantic relationships and the benefits that come from having a loving partner.

Men looking to settle down with someone get rejected for things a lot more minor than a shrunken and dysfunctional penis and low libido. I don’t consider myself a superficial person, but not even at my most loneliest would I have ever considered a relationship with a guy impaired in this way. These kids will never be able to enjoy uncomplicated dating.

[Deleted]June 15, 2023
proudcatladydust under JKR’s fridgeJune 15, 2023

Men do not need and are not entitled to sex or relationships with women. It’s not cruel. He’ll be fine.

pennygadgetJune 15, 2023

Men do not need and are not entitled to sex or relationships with women. It’s not cruel. He’ll be fine.

Of course nobody is entitled to sex or a relationship. But there's a big difference between some incel being butthurt that women aren't throwing themselves at him and a detransitioned boy being angry at the medical system for destroying his ability to sexually function and have a normal romantic life

Alice_eveJune 15, 2023(Edited June 15, 2023)

He was robbed of the chance to fully mature. He will not be fine.

The adults in his life failed him completely.