[Deleted]June 27, 2023(Edited June 27, 2023)

This happened in the NYC Pride march this past Sunday. I think they chanted that to antagonize conservatives, but it is a very dumb move on their part considering that in the past the pride parade had whole pedophiles in it (NAMBLA) until lesbians lobbied to have them excluded.

evermoreJune 27, 2023

This is what I’m saying… how stupid are these people? It’s like saying “I’m not a Nazi” but wearing an SS uniform, doing the salute and waving the flag. Hello????

I don't think they care, its all a fashion thing for them they dress up in skirts or cut their hair short, pop a few pills maybe and then get to march around getting narcissistic supply with threats of violence like the little brown shirts they are.

when it all goes tits up they will just take the skirts off and grow their hair a normal colour and go back to normal life like the little rats they are hiding from the backlash so it doesn't affect them.

ArchitecturaJune 27, 2023

It still blows my mind that NAMBLA is an actual thing and not just religious fear-mongering, because what the actual fuck?!

Julie92845June 29, 2023

I first heard of it in South Park and I thought they made it up.

izzy314June 28, 2023

I wrote a paper on it for my "Child Maltreatment" class when getting my Psych degree.

ArchitecturaJune 28, 2023

Ooof, will you summarize the paper?

BondiBlueJune 28, 2023

Nowadays you'd probably be expelled 😤

sensusquaeramraised by wolvesJune 27, 2023

Seriously. Read the room, dudes.

xy_equals_guyJune 27, 2023

This kind of joke isn’t funny any more, now that it’s actually true.

I suspect they’re so high on their own farts from the disproportionate social power they wield that these TRAs don’t realise how bad they sound. (And the males are just open pervs with no self awareness)

ChronicityJune 27, 2023(Edited June 27, 2023)

TRAs: People are who they say they are.

The public: Okay.

TRAs: We’re coming for your children.

The public: Wut? Y’all are dangerous.

TRAs: iTs A jOkE!

The public: See your first line, dude.

CavePaintingJune 27, 2023(Edited June 27, 2023)

HOW much work did gay men have to do to convince people that gay men in particular were NOT pedos, also that being gay wasn't equivalent to bestiality (wasn't that a low argument religious conservatives attempted to use "If a man can marry another man, why not a dog?")

Now you have furries in your parade, and you've got people chanting crap like this? How much is this going to set things back? I honestly don't get how people have such short memories. It really REALLY was not that long ago that gay men had to do so much work building up public understanding to distance themselves from this pedo accusation.

Wasn't there even a whole stigma around gay men adopting because of that? This ugly idea. And now these idiot drag morons are trying to ironically embrace the accusation? In service of what, drag queen story hour? It's your human right to be able to twerk in a thong in front of children?

Pedos were tolerated in the gay movement until lesbians kicked them out.

CavePaintingJune 27, 2023

Wow I didn't realise it was the lesbians that kicked them out!! Holy shit talk about history repeating itself.

MarthaMMCJune 27, 2023

This is like how Trump used to say outrageous things & then walk it back if he got too much pushback. It's basically seeing if they can get away with it. Or, like abusive men, they gaslight that "it's just a joke".

jessebelleinhellJune 27, 2023

There ya go. This right here. Laying the groundwork.

[Deleted]June 27, 2023(Edited June 27, 2023)

It's heart-sickening to see the role being played by women like these who are breathtakingly blind to the damage this "movement" is inflicting and will inflict on all women, including themselves. This "movement" that increasingly seems aimed at annihilating us.

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitJune 27, 2023

It's so sick and shameful but there are women who help their partners sexually abuse children either directly, or by looking the other way.

My friend's mom just sat downstairs watching TV, cooking, cleaning, living her life knowing her husband was upstairs raping her daughter. And before anyone says it,I don't give a fuck if she was scared of him. Like literally do not care. Any decent person would rather live under a bridge with their kids than allow that to go on

[Deleted]June 27, 2023
crodishfuck this earthJune 27, 2023(Edited September 2, 2023)
RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitJune 27, 2023

I realize this was a "joke" but I don't see the humor in it and I don't think it's funny. There's just no need to involve children, none at all

momofreyrellaJune 28, 2023

Its not a joke

notsofreshfeelingJune 27, 2023

These tone-deaf idiots are riling up a backlash.

LuckystarJune 27, 2023

Some things you just don't "joke" about.

When people tell you who they are, believe them.

That said, it's unfortunate that MTG tweeted about this, because anything she says is automatically discounted by most reasonable people.

MaryDyerJune 27, 2023

And they still act dismayed when people push back against them.

ratherbecomesJune 27, 2023

You'd think that, even if doing this tongue-in-cheek, they'd understand the optics of this don't look good.

jessebelleinhellJune 27, 2023

Turning it into a joke provides a convenient little cover, eh?

Researcher1536June 27, 2023

The "can't you take a joke?!" crowd.

jessebelleinhellJune 27, 2023

Next time one of them gets accidentally misgendered, I would love to hear someone say, "just kidding, girlfriend!" ..something tells me that it wouldn't go over very well.

Radical_PhoenixJune 27, 2023

They really tried to write a hit piece on this. "This evil person (so say we) thinks this is bad so you should support people saying they're coming for your children". How do they even think this is going to work?

Radical_PhoenixJune 27, 2023

Then they'll cry when trans get killed for this, at best, stupidity.

DerpinaJune 27, 2023

And they will - it's a matter of time until a conservative dad fires a gun. And I dont say this with a smile [hint for the mods]

littleowl12June 28, 2023

They bring it on themselves. I can't believe I ever felt sorry for these folx.

AmareldysJune 27, 2023

To be honest it just sounds snarky to me.

[Deleted]June 27, 2023
[Deleted]June 27, 2023