GC Social MediaCorinna Cohn vs. Tony/Erin Reed on state bans of gender medicalization on kids
Posted June 29, 2023 by BondiBlue in GenderCritical

Not sure if anyone has noticed the off-and-on battle between Tony/Erin Reed and Corinna “Heterodorx” Cohn on Twitter, over the legality of state bans on gender medicalization of kids, and court decisions on the matter. The most recent argument was under a Matt Walsh thread about an injunction in Tennessee. The replies are somewhat messy to string together, but on Cohn’s account under “replies” you can see some pieces of the argument happening there.


Reed insists that the state bans keep getting blocked at the lower court level because TRA lawyers have managed to convince judges that it’s discriminatory to allow surgeries/hormones for those suffering DSDs and not for “trans youth.” Cohn insists that no such category exists and that “their side” is preparing for appeals that will show the evidence for these so-called “treatments” is sorely lacking and that states have the right to regulate or even ban, as with Dobbs.

Cohn feels confident that SCOTUS will rule in states’ favor, while Reed insists that the cases won’t even get to SCOTUS, and says the fact that even some “conservative” judges have been issuing injunctions bodes well for TRAs.

(Some DeSantis supporters argue that these judges aren’t even really conservative and that since Trump appointed them, neither is Trump, but that’s a bun fight for another day.)

I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out in the long and arduous legal system, and I don’t know what it is Cohn and/or the states are putting together, but does anyone have a sense of whose side might ultimately win out? Are they really going to be able to set a precedent that “trans___” is a DSD or should be treated accordingly? Cohn thinks it’ll end up 6-3 in favor of state bans, with Gorsuch writing for the majority. Reed says SCOTUS won’t pick it up at all.

If Reed and TRAs end up the victors, what other recourse does our side have? How do we unfuck the medical boards like AMA, AAP and APA?

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