Via her Twitter, retweeting a viral video of Justin Trudeau's dialogue with a concerned Muslim parent in Calgary, who is upset about the encroachment of gender ideology upon traditional families and child safeguarding.
The progressive Canadian left dismiss everything they disagree with as a conspiracy from the American far right, accusing it of spreading "disinformation". What's particularly offensive about this stance is how it diminishes the perspectives of numerous Canadians and presumes that they are incapable of independent thought.
(Applies to gender authoritarians in other countries too)
What follows is a roughly eight-minute quasi-word-salad-ish response (better than a Biden ramble, though) in which Trudeau reminds Muslims to toe the party line because the other guys are racists who will kill and deport you, that the buck really stops at the provincial governments, and that an enlightened and diverse society should always be twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.
The fact that he even felt it necessary to sit down and address this issue (in his trademark clumsy way) seems to indicate that the genderwokes in governments right now are worried.
(Unlike Biden, whose fanaticism about this issue is clearly rooted in a personal, irrational, emotional connection to Beau's pal TIM "Sarah" McBride, Trudeau's performance here really shows that his support comes from shallow bamboozlement into blind support of The Current Thing. Whoever runs the numbers in the back rooms must have just told him this issue was affecting votes.)