GC Social MediaAre You Asking Why? - a group of detransitioned and re-identified women who oppose collusion with the right wing.
Posted July 16, 2023 by [Deleted] in GenderCritical

Found a website through Twitter, created by detransitioned and formerly trans- or nonbinary-identified women making the case against colluding with right-wingers and conservatives.

The right-wing plays the long game by misusing detrans stories and having a fisheye focus on LGBT issues. Their end goals are not about "saving the children."

Always ask who benefits! You may agree with the point that they’re making on certain issues - but do you understand why they’re making it?

Unfortunately, some pages on the site are still under construction. However, there are articles, resources, a contact form, and FAQ (it's at the bottom of the main page).

Their twitter is r_u_askingwhy

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