My admiration for JCJ grows with every new comment or article I read from her. But also, reading a long involved analysis of their gibberish makes me think, BONERS! None of this is real, it’s about boners! We’re burning millions of words to dance around the fact that none of this would be happening if it weren’t for boners. Or, in a tiny minority of cases, a genuine mental illness. But like 98% boners. Now let’s go have a beer.
Neither the format or the content are the least bit accessible. Unfortunately my optical character recognition software is ancient and not up to hand written notes or highlighted text.
Here is a link to the original essay. IMO its worth looking at just for the comments by prominent feminists; women who are prepared to facilitate men in womens prisons, in DV shelters, in rape crisis counselling. I don't think JCJ's comments are an effective rebuttal.
I feel like I have a self-directed masters degree in transgenderism, with a robust and well-researched understanding of the issues and paths forward. But I just cannot get my head around this type of academic writing. It is verbose bloviating to me, and my brain just shuts down. I’ve read several long-form JCJ pieces, and she is bracing and usually on point, but her comments here don’t really land for me. I suppose it is because they are in response to this incomprehensible mess, and it is hard to craft a coherent argument when you’re required to follow a meandering road to nowhere.
I'm finding all the random scribbles over the original article very hard to read, I wish she'd just write out all the arguments properly.
I'm doing like 1 page and then having to take a break to stop me having a headache this is going to be a long read.
I just read her twitter thread on it that sets out her comments. It isn’t a full on rebuttal so much as a hot counter take.
Yeah, pretty difficult to read.