It is pure gold.
Dawkins is the rare male intellectual who actually listens to what a woman has to say.
He's also a bit behind a few others in the peaking department. So it was delightful watching the light bulb go off behind his eyes, on more than a few occasions.
This is so much better than her talk with Jordan Peterson. He just sits there, waiting for his opportunity to speak, and then he rants for 10 minutes straight. So Helen gets about 2 minutes of talking in.
Richard actually listens, considers what she says, challenges her, and lets her talk. He's great
cross post to feminist videos
I go there when I want to listen while working with hands
That interview has increased my respect for Dawkins. He didn't interject and asked questions that let Joyce explain even further. These are the discussions we need more of.
Such a great interview, thanks for posting.
You are welcome!