kin_kkumAugust 30, 2023

It's like when you bring up cases of paedophile drag queens and they try to deflect with paedophile Catholic priests. What about just being against paedophilia in general?

pennygadgetAugust 30, 2023

Right? Why can't we unite and kick all pedos into a volcano regardless of how they choose to access their victims?

[Deleted]August 30, 2023

i hate when instagrammers or whatever use pedophilia in the church to justify drag queen story time. even when i was a TRA i thought it was weird. using cases of child abuse to further an unrelated harmful thing is disgusting

pennygadgetAugust 30, 2023

using cases of child abuse to further an unrelated harmful thing is disgusting

"This man over here got away with child rape. Therefore ALL men should get away with child rape"

TRAs are unhinged

IronicWolfAugust 30, 2023

And in that case let’s apply all the safeguarding practices that priests have to abide by (separate lavatories, not changing vestments in the same room as altar servers etc).

ThelnebriatiAugust 30, 2023

This isnt leftism. Its authoritarianism meets neoliberalism, which is why it appeals to people on both sides of the political binary. The left has been co-opted in the same way all other organisations & movements have been co-opted.

RighteousIndignationAugust 30, 2023(Edited August 30, 2023)

its not the left anyway I'm left and so are most feminists, the left is losing the voters and moving further right to find votes.

its astroturfing rich buggers corrupting the hard of thinking, the virtue signallers and playing to the male supremacist incels.

its always the middle class who support this crap.

ILovePizzaALotAugust 30, 2023

Yep. The language shifting drives me bonkers.

pennygadgetAugust 30, 2023

Its like the people who defend drag queens at kindergartens by saying "BUT CHILD BEAUTY PAGEANTS!!"

...yeah? I wish those gross baby pageants would be banned, too. We don't have to choose between one or the other

vulvapeopleAugust 30, 2023

Or when they bring up taking kids to Hooters. I'm sure the Matt Walshes of this debate don't see any problem with that, but radfems absolutely do.

radfemgenzAugust 30, 2023

They really think stuff like this is some kind of gotcha 🙄

[Deleted]August 30, 2023
[Deleted]August 30, 2023
[Deleted]August 30, 2023