womenopausal [OP]witchbabe🧙‍♀️👶October 14, 2021

The women’s officer of Cambridge University’s Students Union has been condemned after issuing a guide on how to spot "Terfs".

Students have been advised to "keep an eye out" for those who think biological sex is binary and that only women can experience misogyny.

"Terf", which stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, is generally used as a derogatory term for those who argue biological sex cannot be changed and that women-only spaces should not be opened to male-born trans women.

The document, published among resources on housing and exams advice, was drawn up by Milo Eyre-Morgan, the elected women’s officer, who goes by the pronouns he/him or they/them and vows to represent "marginalised genders".

The new Cambridge guide, promoted by the women’s officer on Monday, lists several "signs of a Terf".

The guide goes on to say that "some people who experience misogyny are not women", and urges students to be "allies" by "keeping an eye out for this way of thinking" in any feminist works they study.

'Terf ideology is a specific form of transphobia' It claims "Terf ideology is a specific form of transphobia" and gives tips for "talking to Terfs" in-person and online.

It adds: "The core characteristics of Terfs are a conservative, binary, essentialist conception of sex as the be-all-end-all, and a deep hatred for trans women, couched in the language of feminism and feminist theory."

James Orr, assistant professor in philosophy of religion at Cambridge’s Faculty of Divinity, compared the document to a guide on "how to spot a witch".

"It’s an attempt to set out a witch-finder's charter and it's driven by ideology not reason," he said. "This is an extremely sinister development and is effectively incentivising behaviour among students that is wholly opposed to the flourishing of any serious intellectual culture.

"These are perfectly plausible and defensible positions to hold, not immoral and not even close to being unlawful, and should be able to be expressed freely - especially if you think they are wrong. How long before people wake up to this crisis?"

'Trans rights and women’s rights should both be protected' A third-year Cambridge philosophy student at Clare College, who wished to stay anonymous, said: "There is not enough transparency from the SU; gender identity is grounded in biological sex.

"Trans rights and women’s rights and both should be protected. To ensure healthy discussion, you should have a separate elected women’s officer and an elected trans officer."

The issue was further highlighted this week after anonymous trans activists at Sussex University launched a campaign to fire Professor Kathleen Stock.

Prof Stock, an expert in analytic philosophy, recently published a book questioning the idea that gender identity is more "socially significant" than biological sex.

She has also previously questioned the idea that men who feel like women should have automatic access to women-only facilities such as changing rooms, or be allowed to appear on women-only shortlists or sports teams.

Amid threats of violence and death, police advised Prof Stock to teach classes online and install CCTV outside her home, with possible bodyguards when she does return to campus.

'I do worry there are pressures towards restricting free speech' Dr Arif Ahmed, a reader in philosophy at Cambridge, said: "The current persecution of Kathleen Stock has contributed to an atmosphere in higher education where one side of a very important public policy debate feels unable to speak out and in some cases probably is.

"I do worry that at Cambridge, as at any other university, there are pressures towards restricting free speech on this issue and my greatest fear is that these will be translated into disciplinary policy and official guidance from the top.

"Freedom is not a natural state of humanity, it is something we always have to protect."

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission has made clear that gender-critical viewpoints on the trans debate are lawful and deserve to be heard.

The University of Cambridge said it "supports lawful debate and freedom of expression for all members of its community, including the discussion of controversial or unpopular opinions and ideas".

A spokesman added: "The Students’ Union is contributing to an active social debate. We do not tolerate intimidation or harassment of people for their lawful views on any subject."

Cambridge SU was approached for comment.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

Thanks, witch babe! 🧙‍♀️

womenopausal [OP]witchbabe🧙‍♀️👶October 14, 2021

Anything for my fellow witch babes x

GenderHereticAssigned2LegsABOctober 14, 2021


IronicWolfOctober 14, 2021

James Orr appears to have plagiarised my comment from the other day! Or it’s screamingly obvious there are parallels with witch-hunting.

JadeOctober 14, 2021

male-born trans women

JFC, even the Telegraph? If right-wing media was the last solace from genderwoo biology deniers, than the last refuge has already fallen.

WholeGrainArchive It AllOctober 14, 2021

Could you explain what is wrong with this terminology? To me it sounds like a clarification for normies that transwomen are indeed dudes.

Thank you (or anyone else) in advance!

JadeOctober 14, 2021

To me it sounds like a clarification for normies that transwomen are indeed dudes.

Fair enough, I guess. To me it sounds like they're caving in. Must be me being used to only hearing "trans women" followed by "are women", or "trans-identified males". Just by stating "trans women" you're already saying they were "born male" but they're "now women". when I read it.

WholeGrainArchive It AllOctober 14, 2021

Oh yeah, I suppose you have a point there. I just feel most media haven't realized this yet. Let's hope they come around.

assigned_terf_at_birthOctober 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

TRAs have realized it. They use this kind of language to gaslight people into believing themselves that so called "tran women" are women.

Honestly when I hear "trans woman" I have to remind myself that "trans woman" is like "faux woman," ie not a woman at all. Otherwise my instinct is to think they're talking about a TIF. In my mind, a woman who is trans is a woman who thinks she's a man.

You see a lot of people in discussions on the news and whatnot make this same mistake when things get heated and they're thinking fast. Because the language makes no sense.

Edit: spelling

zuubatOctober 14, 2021

Exactly. Born a male, but now female.

assigned_terf_at_birthOctober 14, 2021

When I read this, I hear "women who are trans who used to be men". No women are born male. So to me it's about as "trans women are women" you can get without literally saying those exact words.

WholeGrainArchive It AllOctober 14, 2021

Oh I see your point there. Personally I see it differently, but I can see where it's coming from. Thank you for your reply!

JadeOctober 14, 2021

I couldn´t have said it better (as you can see above in my attempt)

fizzygigletOctober 15, 2021

The guide goes on to say that "some people who experience misogyny are not women"

insert Regina George gif So you agree, targets of misogyny are overwhelmingly subjected to said oppression due to their observed sex, not their internal sense of gender identity. This means that female people who do not identify as such still suffer from the consequences of their gender socialisation, and, in most cases, continue to be perceived as female and (mis)treated accordingly. This holds true on an interpersonal level, given that one’s ‘assigned’ sex is almost always evident to others, and also systemically, due to institutional biases that affect all those with female bodies, regardless of how those bodies appear or have been modified. It logically follows, then, that so-called ‘trans women’ are not subjected to misogyny, because, as we just established, sexism is rooted in the physical appearance and/or biological properties of one’s body, and belies one’s personal conception of oneself.

[Deleted]October 15, 2021

"Freedom is not a natural state of humanity, it is something we always have to protect."

And yet people as old as 22 will adamantly state that no one has the right to take away their rights. Sure, tell that to any invading army whenever a war or other conflict occurs. As you die at someone else's hand, wondering how this could ever have happened when it's "not fair."

kittenOctober 14, 2021

witch hunts, red scare, etc. now we get "terf-spotting". it's all the same.

gcfemaleOctober 14, 2021

All fun new way to murder women!

DarkMavisOctober 14, 2021

Wasn’t it only last week we here in the U.K. were laughing Dominic Raab for claiming men and women could be victims of misogyny?

Also, why is the women’s officer going by “he/him” and “they/their” - am guessing said women’s officer is actually a man?

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexOctober 14, 2021

TIF, but call her anything but but "woman". Except when it comes to speaking for women. 🤔

FedUp12345October 14, 2021

If she's a man, she shouldn't have any authority to speak on women's behalf. Their logic is so flawed.

BlackCirce🔮🐖🐖🐖October 14, 2021

They think feminism is a movement for “marginalized genders” so since she’s a false man she’s marginalized on that basis and can be the ringleader of throwing other women under the bus.

TheactualNovemberOctober 14, 2021

And this is what happens when you empty the meaning of words out....an Orwellian cluster fuck of epic proportions.

DarkMavisOctober 14, 2021

Thanks - couldn’t find a photo anywhere, but probably should have guessed from the choice of male name 🙄

SamuraiGhostCatOctober 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

Idk, the person has facial hair.

(Or at least it looks so, from the upper lip.)

[Deleted]October 15, 2021

She looks like Daniel Radcliffe's increasingly-desperate-for-attention younger sister.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

So does Chase Strange-o ...

DonKarnageOctober 14, 2021

So both TiFs and TiM's think they have the right to speak for women and matters regarding women. My god....

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexOctober 15, 2021

Interesting way to put it, but yes indeed. Both sets of individuals basically saying "I'm a man, but I should speak for women".

[Deleted]October 14, 2021
womenopausal [OP]witchbabe🧙‍♀️👶October 14, 2021

TIF I reckons.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

TiFs can be vicious terf-hunters.... so much of the 'anon hate' and deplatforming on tumblr is lead by TiFs.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

Honestly, a lot of my former sympathy for TIFs has gone right out the window because of this.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

A lot of TIFs hate women. Themselves first and the rest of us. They internalise society’s misogyny

shewolfoffrance🦕October 14, 2021

I do feel bad for girls who damage their health with unnecessary drugs and surgery. But I'm also so sick of TiFs renouncing womanhood, but still expecting women to act like human shields and emotional support animals for them.

GoodGoneGirlOctober 14, 2021

Same. I’ve seen enough misogyny and slurs from them to not give a shit about them. This woman is actively trying to harm women, so fuck her. Are GC women making guides on how to spot a trans?? I’ve been pretty open with having GC views at my university, no consequences so far.

On an individual basis I still feel sympathy for some of them, but I’m really tired of all things trans right now.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

Same. I’m really over them.

KissMyOvariesOctober 15, 2021

I have no sympathy for TIFs as they set out to destroy womens sex based rights because they can’t get a hold of their internalized misogyny.

TheactualNovemberOctober 14, 2021

Same here. I see a lot of the Burning Time's "Take her, not me!" Mentality. Such cowards.

DarkMavisOctober 14, 2021

Thanks! Should have realised, sad how much of the woman-hating rhetoric is coming from women (even if they don’t acknowledge themselves as such) 🙄

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

It's not surprising that they hate their own sex, given that they have "transitioned" out of it.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

Yeah she’s a TIF

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

I find it odd that this woman would likely claim that a simple "excuse me ma'am" would set her spiraling into a pit of depression and dysmorphia, but somehow holding the title "Women's Officer" doesn't?

I guess it could be argued that there's nothing more male than holding power over women and demanding they follow your orders, but still. If you claim you're triggered by the word woman try to keep it consistent.

BlackCirce🔮🐖🐖🐖October 14, 2021


GoodGoneGirlOctober 14, 2021

Why is this misogynistic piece of shit the elected women’s officer?

Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself:

I’d be a good women’s officer

I’d be a great women’s officer

I’m ten foot tall ;)

My apologies. Why is this narcissistic, misogynistic piece of shit the elected women’s officer?

Source. Lol, as much this TIF (?) pisses me off, I had to laugh at that picture. Wtf are you doing with your leg?😂

SaladSparklzOctober 14, 2021

She looks like she's imitating a male dog marking it's territory.

In her head, "look at me! I'm a quirky boy yay!"

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

Oh, a woman with short hair.

Definitely a man, then.

LOriginedumondeOctober 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

Of course her name is “Milo”

Edit: “Be proggers. Vote Milo” Holy shit this woman is the epitome of fucking cringe.

TurtlefuzzGender Outlaw 🤠October 14, 2021

It's even worse. It's "poggers", which is twitch-slang for something good or cool. So not only is she cringe, but twitch-cringe.

GoodGoneGirlOctober 14, 2021

Why? Do TIFs like that name?

womenopausal [OP]witchbabe🧙‍♀️👶October 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

Strangely for such manly men, TIFs tend to like somewhat androgynous names. The vowel ending of Milo softens it. Plus then factor in chuunibyo - they rarely go for normie names like Steve or Alan, it has to be something theatrical.

delicate_silicateOctober 14, 2021

If I ever meet a tif named John I'll eat a shoe.

A whole shoe.

LOriginedumondeOctober 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

Apparently, I’ve seen so many TIFs who go by Milo. It’s the same for Aiden, Kai, Finn, and Quinn.

GoodGoneGirlOctober 14, 2021

Huh. Milo is a popular name for pets in my country. I’ve noticed they really like Aiden though😆

[Deleted]October 15, 2021

The types of names they choose for themselves sound like the sort of names young girls would come up with as options for their imaginary future male children.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021
[Deleted]October 14, 2021

They love the names that you'd give to a cat.

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexOctober 14, 2021

I suppose that's an overplayed attempt at manspreading ? 😂

Ave_Lucifugegender atheistOctober 14, 2021(Edited October 14, 2021)

I'll give her this, she definitely overcompensates like a dude when she's feeling insecure. Good lord, she's tiny.

I say this as a small woman who also had to work out her insecurities this way: hit the gym, it will do wonders for your self esteem.

womenopausal [OP]witchbabe🧙‍♀️👶October 14, 2021

That's a woman's voice and no mistake.

GoodGoneGirlOctober 14, 2021

Didn’t listen. She looks female in her pictures.

LOriginedumondeOctober 14, 2021

Maybe that’s why she drew on a beard and thick eyebrows for this picture.

Unruly_RoseOctober 14, 2021

That resume hurts my eyes. There doesn't actually seem to be anything on there about helping women either, it's all about forcing people to conform to trans ideology and "sex work is work" bullshit.

fizzygigletOctober 15, 2021

Milo’s repeated references to ‘sex work’ had me rolling my eyes like a slot machine. As anyone who’s ever stepped foot on that campus knows, Cambridge is a palace for the mega-rich, with vanishingly few who suffer from the kind of extreme economic deprivation that drives one to prostitution. No doubt the ‘sex workers’ Milo has in mind are camgirls and the like. While I’m not denying that those women are liable to face their fair share of issues in such a priggish setting, it strikes me as ridiculous to lump them in with the bottom 99% of ‘sex workers’ in this world, as though the advocacy required to protect the the average woman in the sex trade (trafficked, poor, living in the third world) is any way similar to that of Milo’s mates on OnlyFans. I mean, that umbrella term really reaches comical heights when it’s invoked at fucking Cambridge.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

That. It's not a great picture. I'm really unsure what's going on there.

[Deleted]October 14, 2021

This looks so weird? I see so many TIFs on Reddit drawing on beards with what looks like felt tip??? Looks like a parody Halloween costume.

[Deleted]October 15, 2021

Seriously. Like a child playing dress up. I feel like I'm hallucinating.

shewolfoffrance🦕October 14, 2021

There's something off about mandating consent workshops while also "supporting" student "sex workers". Hmm...what could it be?

CarthimundiaOctober 14, 2021

The hilarious thing to me is the entire student body don’t really think Milo is a man because if a real man ran for women’s officer there would be outrage at his clueless audacity. Milo has been quietly accepted because she isn’t regarded as a real male.

[Deleted]October 15, 2021

Looks like that thing you do when you need to let out a fart but the way you're sitting is trapping it in.