TarshishJupiterMay 21, 2023

"A great place to research fantasies and kinks safely is on the internet!"

What? WHAT??

Everyone, literally everyone who isn't living under a rock, knows that's the opposite of the truth. The internet is a minefield, especially when it comes to kink and porn!

kalinaMay 21, 2023

yeah, famously safe place for minors: the internet

[Deleted]May 21, 2023

But it's so full of friendly people who like what you like and are ready to give advice!

And they're definitely teens like you, yup

[Deleted]May 24, 2023

yup, yup, just got their driver's license, going out into the world, lookin' for some fun

DeeMay 21, 2023

I'm seriously starting to wish that the internet would just disappear, already.

MaryDyerMay 21, 2023

Somebody tell the author that pubic hair is not a testosterone-specific development

All females have pubic hair. Lots of it.

WrennMay 21, 2023

They also have armpit and body hair listed as being the “testosterone” puberty people only.

As a woman who shaves none and has all the three, I legitimately feel erased. I knew it was coming- if we don’t look like their porn, we don’t count .

nonadventuresMay 21, 2023(Edited May 21, 2023)

She has it on the “estrogen rich” body as well, the placement is just less obvious. (Still gross for other reasons, though)

WrennMay 21, 2023

Got it, I didn’t see the estrogen page . Yep whole thing is still gross of course

nonadventuresMay 21, 2023

It’s also confusingly written? In the puberty book I read as a child they just have a boy and girl next to each other in underwear and say “these are the places you’ll start developing hair” or something like that. Erika Moen also didn’t include anything about the ways boys tend to develop thicker body hair but that it can be normal for that to change depending on your ethnicity or some girls have hormone disorders like pcos that can make it thicker. That would have been helpful information when I was going through puberty. But no instead we get a page on how to research your kink on the internet

mathloverMay 21, 2023

The pattern of pubic hair, called the escutcheon, is sex-specific in females vs males. So testosterone does affect pubic hair in that sense.

FutureBreedMachineMay 21, 2023

I'm surprised. Male and female public hair patterns look about the same to me lol

mathloverMay 21, 2023

It's a triangle of pubic hair. But in females the apex of the triangle points downward. That is opposite in males, where the apex points upward.

[Deleted]May 22, 2023
DietCokeAddictMay 21, 2023

If I’d seen this book as a kid, portraying a person with breasts and a penis, and another person with a vulva, male torso and a full beard, I can’t imagine how confused I would be. Why is it okay to teach this to children?

LasagnaRossaMay 21, 2023

Also, the structure behind trans bodies is wrong! How can a TIM have wide hips? Or a TIF large shoulders and narrow hips?! Come on!

If you want to draw them and be woke, at least be sincere!

[Deleted]May 22, 2023
vulvapeopleMay 22, 2023

I think I'd be disgusted, and it might have made me even more afraid to go through puberty. Who wants to look like any of those illustrations?

rkinMay 21, 2023

Especially horrifying since kids still have magical thinking. It's so abusive to teach kids who are unsure about reality and believe in magic that sex is fluid aka magic is real.

cranberrysaladMay 21, 2023

That thread is unhinged. Especially the downplaying of STIs—what?? HIV is a big deal. So are the full spectrum of STIs. You could call that section “Tell me this is privileged first world shit without telling me this is privileged first world shit”.

LadylucyMay 21, 2023

True. Untreated clymidia (sp?), which some women don’t know they have, can cause sterility. Untreated syphilis in pregnant women will be passed to their babies and possibly lead to blindness in the child. This is in addition to turning your brain into Swiss cheese. Just two no big deal scenarios.

spiderberriesblackpillMay 21, 2023

Of course they don’t bother to mention what types of “bodies” need to have Pap smears. There’s no mention of how many STDs can lead to CANCER and INFERTILITY for women, or how STDs can pass to a fetus in utero or during childbirth. No, it’s like, no biggie— just take a pill and keep fucking!!

“Just look for symptoms and get treated!” STD symptoms are different for males and females. Not every STD comes with giant red pustules and malodorous discharge. Some women don’t even know they have an STD and just think it’s a UTI or a yeast infection and the actual STD goes untreated—which is why they become cancerous!!

This is so fucking dangerous it makes my head spin!

vulvapeopleMay 22, 2023

It's especially outrageous given antibiotic resistance and penicillin allergies. Syphilis, in particular, is life ruining if you can't get it treated.

WitchKittyMay 21, 2023

Also some people get infected and have ZERO symptoms. They are completely asymptotic! It’s good to get tested every once in a while if you are sleeping with different people. And if you stick to one partner then when you switch partner it’s a good idea to get tested just in case.

Untreated STDs are dangerous, even if they are asymptotic. Long term they can cause infertility.

Hey kids, STDS are no biggie. Porn is candy. Babies are made by lovingly pounding a woman style against a wall. But don't go ass to vagina! Tee hee

WrennMay 21, 2023

I can’t believe it said “ass to vulva”. Author is so porn sick. And the normalization of anal sex for women? I can’t imagine being in school right now .

2up2downMay 21, 2023

Don’t forget to send your teen boyfriend nudes. Who cares that it’s considered child pornography in most states and it will be uploaded to PornHub. You’re a cool girl now! For extra credit, Google kinks on the internet, so you can complete the pickme transformation!

wishforsanityMay 21, 2023

Of course, send those nudes! You can totally trust a guy when he says "I promise I won't show anyone".

worried19May 21, 2023

Babies are made by lovingly pounding a woman style against a wall.

Is he pulling her hair in that picture? It looks like it. So don't forget the violence and degradation, too.

spiderberriesblackpillMay 21, 2023

But it’s ok!! He has a prosthetic foot!! Yay for inclusivity sprinkled over the porn rot !!!

kalinaMay 21, 2023

also am I tripping or is the anatomy off? it looks like anal sex to me, the vagina is lower down no?

TortoisemouseMay 21, 2023

I thought exactly the same as soon as I saw that picture.

kalinaMay 21, 2023

I'm not surprised by their obsession with anal anymore but you'd think that at least when talking specifically about reproduction they'd get it right.

[Deleted]May 21, 2023(Edited May 21, 2023)

I am so glad I did not have children; I have so much sympathy for the sisters who do/did.

This book is absolutely vile for any age- I was absolutely insulted. The repulsive art and cutesy normalization of adult behavior before children is something this tumblr bred activism must answer for eventually, but the denial of the STIs, especially the glossing of HIV is more than I can handle: I was there for the AIDS crisis.

I feel the need to shower again. The woman who made this needs a hard drive check.

BeiraRowlingMay 21, 2023

This book makes sex look so unsexy it might actually end up ending teen pregnancy in this country.

I feel so disgusted and nauseous and mortified and trembling in fear for the future by this thread but at least this comment made me laugh.

ProfTerfMomMay 21, 2023

I can't believe anyone is defending this filth in a school library.

DeeMay 21, 2023

This is actually helpful to see, in the context of trying to understand young people who buy into this stuff.

If one believes that the "gender binary" represents a stereotypical jock and a stereotypical flower-loving damsel in distress, it is easy to see how one may think that "smashing it" is important. Indeed, it is understandable that one may think one is not male or female, but something else. In this sense, education about these topics shapes young people's views. I would also not have believed myself to be a girl if I was taught that "girl" means the swooning, dress-wearing, timid little thing in the picture. I can even see how I might have become militant about this if I had been taught these things.

HyperLightMay 21, 2023(Edited May 21, 2023)

So many problems. Not appropriate for children by any stretch of the imagination. Sexually explicit. Portraying the fringe as the norm/typical (they wish). It has an insidious "hey kid, want some candy" feel to it. Not based in science but rather Science (TM). Porn and kink indoctrination with no mention of rampant abuse and rampant covering up of that abuse in these "communities" for the sake of getting off which also preserves abusers hunting grounds. Cavalier attitude towards promiscuity and STDs/STIs that encourages carelessness and endangerment of oneself and one's partner.

Female and male aren't "historical." They're current and as unchanging as the boiling and freezing points of water.

They're getting increasing pushback from adults so now they must cultivate a new generation of people who will accept this. Slip this absurd filth for impressionable inexperienced children to stumble across. They really are the monsters out of original fairy tales.

TheFWordMay 21, 2023

This is truly disturbing. Literal pornography marketed at children.

TortoisemouseMay 21, 2023

Not only that, but pornography with text that explicitly tells children to go and look for more pornography on the internet.

momjeansMay 21, 2023

Just checked. My county library has this book on the bookmobile (which visits the more rural areas). It's also in one of the rural high school libraries (more conservative area), but not the town library (more liberal area). Huh. Bet most parents have nooooo idea.

SpottiniMay 21, 2023

So...why is the womans' lower half depicted as transparent during PIV sex, while none of the other forms of actual sex are depicted this way? Is it because only a small sample of pages from the book are used and there are actually more images like that? Or, are these illustrations designed specifically for prurient reasons? What is the purpose of this? This book does not belong in a K-12 school library. Also, the casual mention of STIs and no mention of an ever diminishing choice of effective antibiotics for bacterial STIs is inexcusable. There's so much more that is wrong here...

NoDayForADoMay 21, 2023(Edited May 21, 2023)

"ass to vulva" was weird. People love to correct anyone who says "vagina" to "vulva" - it's the correct term for the outer part but it always feels more about "let me show off how I know more about you" than actually caring what term is used. But "vaginal sex" WOULD be correct. I have never heard anyone say "vulvular sex." And if we're trying to score points for correct terminology here, wouldn't they say "anus" instead of "ass?" Slang for one hole and (incorrect) medical terminology for the other looks weird.

[Deleted]May 24, 2023

I don't understand what is even meant by ass to vulva? A woman is on top of someone's butt, is that it?

NoDayForADoMay 24, 2023

it means dont have anal sex and then have vaginal sex without cleaning up first. similar principal to not wiping back to front.

XadphroneMay 23, 2023

Interesting. I'm one who will correct "vagina" to "vulva" and have literally never seen anyone else do so. But you seem to have experienced it frequently?

I don't care about superiority; I just think language matters. And it's particularly sexist in application, focusing on the inside (that men experience in sex) rather than the outside (that I'd argue women self interact with more, in a nonsexual or even sexual way). Also, it's unimaginable for male anatomy to be confused in the same way. Like mistaking the penis for the prostate, or the foreskin for the grundle (perineum).

Anyway, this whole book is vile, but the "butt germs can really mess up a vulva" is particularly egregious to me. It's like the O N E FUCKING TIME "vagina" would have been more appropriate and STILL female anatomy is misrepresented.

[Deleted]May 24, 2023

Grundle? Like Handsel and Grundle? I'm lost.

XadphroneMay 30, 2023

LOL I was just using it as an example of 2 male anatomy parts that would never be confused the way vagina and vulva are.

Grundle is the spot between the bottom of the ball sack and the asshole. But it's also actually the base of the penis, so it seemed fair enough as an example. Perineum is the medical term.

[Deleted]May 31, 2023

LOL I know the medical term. Now, thanks to you, I know the other term.

TruthseekerMay 21, 2023

Ah, by Erika Moyen, right? Of oh joy sex toy? I remember when the comic was in its early stages I found it funny, but very soon the writer's porn brainrot became too obvious. Entirely unsurprised by everything I see in this book.

PickettyWitchMay 21, 2023

Uffda. I'd heard Erika Moen was publishing her own version of "It's Perfectly Normal", but I wasn't expecting it to be quite this bad. But then considering how much her comic has become obsessed with porn and kinks, I'm not at all surprised.

On the other hand, this book has taught me two new gender special nonsense terms: "testosterone-rich bodies" and "estrogen-rich bodies". Now whenever I hear them, my Genderwoo Radar will go off. Thanks, Erika!

[Deleted]May 24, 2023

Menopause: Estrogen-poor bodies. Elderly men, "andropause": Testosterone-poor bodies.

[Deleted]May 21, 2023

It didn’t dawn on me why estrogen rich/testosterone rich was so revolting to my ears/mind until I realized this is the language people use to describe the nutrient content of food. Freaking weirdos.

[Deleted]May 24, 2023


worried19May 21, 2023

Surprised Erika Moen is still a "she/her" with that haircut. Disavowal of womanhood seems like only a matter of time.

[Deleted]May 21, 2023