Lily Cade's Posts: Condensed and Censored
Posted November 3, 2021 by Mikkal in GenderCritical

Lily Cade has hit the news - so it's important to be familiar with what she wrote. She wrote 5 blog posts, and each entry references the previous one - so if you want to wade through it, you have to read them all.

I think people should read these for themselves before judging them, BUT, I get that it's hard to read. I grew up hearing this kind of language, it's not vulgar to me. But I don't speak this way and can respect that if you aren't use to it, it could be really upsetting.

I went through and censored as much as I could while trying to highlight important parts. There is still vulgar language - there is no way to extract it all.

I also pulled a LOT of insults - a lot of her posts are "how can you let this happen and do nothing?" - with a ton of insults.

If you do want to read them in full, I've added archive links - BUT IT IS A PORN SITE with porn pictures!

About that BBC Article, Oct 29: https://archive.ph/NnRxS

I was asked about a moment of history that I passed through. The only other person who passed through it could not be reached for comment. Maybe she is dead and maybe only the persona is. That was my sole contribution to the article. I believe the journalist had an interest in shining a light on this conversation and the effects it is having on the way people are treating each other online and in person.

By the end of my tour, I had become a broken monster, a fact I have never disputed. The first time I was called out, I left porn, got sober by fits and starts, and am voluntarily celibate. I can't take it back, but before I was a dead-eyed soul reaper I was the "Cotton Ceiling".

"Take the red pill" means lose your smartphone and get off social media. Two real artists were sacrificed to the exact Matrix they spoke of to give you that message.

To The Pussified Men of America, if They are Brave Enough to Look, Oct 31: https://archive.ph/8hz4n

She talks about a transwoman she knows, Juliette, and compares herself to Juliette. This is where she starts talking about Lily Cole, her persona, just like a transwoman takes on a persona. Like she talks about the porn star in the previous article - maybe she's dead, maybe it's just the porn persona that's dead.

Juliette dared the Universe, like I did, to stop her. She was, like I was, an acolyte of the shadow, a willing sacrifice. We were sisters, were we not?

I know what it is to surrender myself to a sexual persona so deeply that it superceded love, family, community, my own dignity and the dignity of others, and truth. I was brave and stunning too, once, was I not?

She sinned much, Lily Cade. She transgressed everyone and everything she ever cared about. She knows the size and the weight of the sin. You know what you read on Twitter, in as minute an info bit as possible, so that you can feel the hit of the specific emotion you want to feel and not have to look at the example of this life and what it can teach you.

I knew where the line was until I didn’t. The women knew. They saw in my eyes that I had gone to the darkside. They saw my weakness, and they slit my throat. They were whores, remember? They knew the shadow themselves. When a girl said no, I stopped. When a woman spoke of trauma, I believed her. When I was called out, I stood down and took it. Women had no more need of Lily Cade.

This next bit isn't "admitting to being a serial rapist" - she's challenging the people calling her that. She's saying, she believes women. She believes them. It doesn't matter her intent. They matter. She listened to them, she believes them. They were hurt, she listened.

If a rapist is someone who is accused in public of sexual misconduct, then I am a rapist. So, too, are three of your last four presidents, the men who sit in your halls of power, and the men who make judgments over your laws. So are all of your heroes, and you know it, and you don’t care. If a rapist is someone who pays women to have sex that they don’t actually want to have, then I am a goddamn fucking rapist, and your world is run by rapists.

Here she is talking about Covid - and referencing how she "walks with the ghost of Lily Cade" - the porn persona - once again.

You cower before a minor respiratory illness that she who must walk with the ghost of Lily Cade for all her days got on purpose, as soon as it came out, and passed through with no greater suffering than an especially bad hangover.

What are you afraid of? Dying? I died once. It was fine. You’re going to die anyway. Better to die in your boots than your bed, and better to die in your bed than the hospital.

Again - talking to the death of her persona, Lily Cade, the porn persona.

She talks to people being afraid of speaking up:

Losing your job? They can’t fire all of you. You can always get another job. I, a broken whore, with no resume, mad, with no connections, found work in every city of the world in which I sought to pass and enough work on the Internet doing random odd jobs unrelated to sex work to sustain a lifestyle that involved a dozen international flights a year. It only takes $38,000 to be a member of the global 1%. What the fuck are you doing with your life? A man with balls need not worry about a job. There is always a job for a man with balls.

Talking about transgender people, she's comparing their persona to her persona, Lily Cad, the porn persona.

They are your Kings! They prove this by dominating your women in public, as once did Lily Cade.

I was in the vanguard of the counter-culture that has become your culture. What’s the vanguard? Cannon fodder and fixed bayonets. Did I thrust that tip into twisting guts? And how! I did it. I loved it, hard, until I was forced to look upon it. Those who were in those trenches with me know also. We called you civilians for a reason. I was a sacrifice. Lily Cade is just another dead whore. Dead whores tell no lies.

The Catholic Church was always run by pedophiles – meaning those who sacrifice children to their shadow. .. It had nothing to do with God and everything to do with power. The shape of power is always the same. The Catholics had you castrate your children too, remember? Oh how sweet, they said, the eunuch’s voice.

You prattle on about idiotic conspiracies while it’s all there, right there, in public, the same way Lily Cade did everything that she did. When she took the fall, all those soul reapers came up to her, in private, and expressed their sympathy. “Poor Lily,” they said. “We feel so bad for you. We did much worse things than you but we didn’t do it in public.” I did not want their pity. I only did it because it was in public.

The world has always been run by pedophiles. It always will be. Hillary Clinton doesn’t get high off the tears of ritual sacrifices, you goddamn fucking idiots, she just stood by while her husband played with Epstein’s underage whores and took the money from all those money men with all the same story about Cambodia and looked the other way.

**The Red Pill, Nov 2: **https://archive.ph/sBTZt

Here, she is talking about Lily Cade in the third person again - she's clearly established this is a persona. And now she's comparing it to the creators of the Matrix - how they took on a persona like she had.

Two real artists sold their souls to free you from The Matrix.

They were lost, like Lily Cade was.

She's talking about real life as taking the red pill, and being in the "matrix" is taking on the persona.

Here is the rest - I censored a lot of this to make it clean. I grew up in the gutter and this language doesn't bother me, it's how real people speak, but I know that's clearly not true of everyone here.

Where Are These Children’s Mothers? Nov 2, 2021 https://archive.ph/43TBv

You’re the mothers, right? The mums? I need the mothers on my side. I’m on the side of the breeders. I’m on the side of the children. Fuck feelings. I care about the emotional and physical well-being of the future generations...

Trans women... threatened suicide and you rolled over. You disgust me too. There is but one noble response to a man who tries to use the threat of violence against himself to manipulate a woman’s emotions. Fucking do it then!

I have looked thousands of real men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. Soldiers. Bull Riders. Artists. Dope Smokers. Lawyers. Men. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men.

They are like Big Brother before them twisting your language so that you don’t have the words to make sense of reality. This is power, bitch. This is the shape of power. These men run your world now because you refused to speak Truth to power.

Here she's again talking about the "persona" that people take on.

Trans women are men who have surrendered to their shadow. That’s what it means to be evil. I should fucking know. The men beneath these vile personas can still be redeemed, so long as the soul walks the Earth, it can be redeemed. The trans women cannot. There is no such thing as a trans woman. There is no such thing as gender identity. This is a sick fetish.

She also talks about pedophiles, but not in a straight foward way - it goes beyond that into something symbolic, about the way children are being sacrificed.

A pedophile is someone who sacrifices the souls of children to feed his shadow self

They are experimenting on your children and cutting them apart in full view of the public and you stand by and let it happen because you are worried they will call you out for being afraid of them. You are worried they will take away your social media. Fuck Social Media. It did this. Burn it to the fucking ground and hold these fucking monsters accountable!

Fuck your NewSpeak. I piss on your NewSpeak. No woman should ever let another word of this vile mockery of English that is NewSpeak pass her lips ever again! You know which words I mean. Don’t say them. Don’t write them. The truth is beautiful. NewSpeak is not. Hold the line. Let the pedophile monsters keep their NewSpeak.

This is your Great Replacement, bitch. These people castrate your kids. They sold them to Big Pharma to be castrated while you cheer them on for living their “truth.” The fuck? Self-mutilation has never been and will never be a cure for mental illness. Self-mutilation is a sign of extreme psychological distress. This is your next Opiate crisis. End this before it gets worse.

I have walked the world and watched this cancer stretch across it. They are making money from this soul reap, not just the evil pedophiles, but the even darker evil of the truly soulless money men who stand by and let it happen because they love money so much.

She talks about big pharma, money, and "science".

I committed voter fraud for Joe Biden...

Here she isn't saying she committed voter fraud. It's symbolic, she voted for him because he's better than (colorful language you don't want to read) Trump.. but then he put a...

monster in charge of Health and Human Services so that the process of trapping your children with that lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals can be honed ever further into the path of least resistance.

Here, she's once again referencing that when she says pedophiles - she's talking about people destroying children.

These pedophiles are fucking your children in public every day. Fucking their minds. Fucking their bodies.

Here it's clear - "fuck" doesn't just mean sex in this context - yes, it's very vulgar, I can't cut it all out or you loose what she's saying.

Then, the monsters fuck the children too just like the pedophile cult of The South did. The shape of power is always a pedophile cult.

She talks about the video of the couple where the transwoman tried to nurse a baby, and how that was child abuse.

How can you stand for this? Where the fuck is child services? Where are that baby’s grandparents? How can you let this happen in public and say nothing? What do you think that baby’s future looks like?

I thought pedos got the wall?

I thought chomos got the rope?

(Chomo is slang for child molester)

That’s a fucking child molester. So is Bruce Jenner. He told you he gets off to wearing his own daughters' clothes and you stood by and did nothing. Tear your blinders off! This is not acceptable. You do not have to accept this.

In context - to me it's clear she's talking about how she herself had a persona, and she had to own up to it and kill it off, and how trans women also need to own up to who they are, and kill their personas off. Your interpretation may vary.

Speak truth to power. Trans women are men. They know they are men. If these men can’t slit the throats of these vile personas in public, admit what they have done, take off the dress, look with abject shame upon the affront to God and nature they have wrought in the service of their masturbatory fantasies, apologize for the children they have hurt with their lies and their drugs and their grooming, apologize for the incarcerated women they have fed to rapist monsters, apologize for the lesbian spaces they have desecrated, and devote the rest of their lives to repairing the damage they have done, if you left it up to me, I’d execute every last one of them personally. Cancel the ever-living fuck out of this. Cancel this so hard that no man dare walk the path of the trans woman in public ever again! Enough is enough. Lynch Kaitlyn! Lynch the “Sisters” Wachowski! Lynch Laurel Hubbard! Lynch Fallon Fox! Make these men stand up as the men you all know they are and hold them accountable for their shame. Your fear of the truth has shoveled thousands of children down the hole in Buffalo Bill’s basement so he can harvest them for their skins. Enough is Enough.

Take the red pill.

Everyone’s queer. Queer is utterly meaningless at this point, a box of nothing your children stuff themselves into to be cool with no connection left to the rebellion for which it once stood. “Identity” is sin. All lies are sin. I fought for the right to love whom I loved. I did not fight for the right to lie in public and have no one call me out, naval gaze about my own bullshit while the world burns, or desecrate the sacrifice that has been done in my name as an American to whine about victimhood. No one deserves these rights.

Again - she's talking about the ghost of Lily Cade - daring people to join her in reality, leaving the fantasy world behind:

The ghost of Lily Cade holds out her hands. In one hand is the blue trance of the endless scroll, the smartphone, the Matrix. In the other hand is nothing and everything, her red blood pulsing beneath her skin. Which hand do you take?

Dead Whores Tell No Lies Nov 2, 2021 https://archive.ph/sHBqg#selection-553.0-553.24

Again - She's talking about the "persona" of being trans:

I respect one trans man, Buck Angel. She knows she’s a bitch. She knows she made a horrifying mistake and is trying to save the girls that her surrender to her own shadow persona induced to follow her into the fires of hell. She’s happy, she says, with the ‘roided up body. She likes it, but she knows the cost.

She talks about how after gay marriage - the lesbians were ignored as they pointed at the rise of transgenderism, and gay men:

After gay marriage, most of the respectable homosexuals left the spot light and did whatever they did... how could you let this happen to our children? ... The lesbians knew. That’s why they hate us. The lesbians know. We tried to warn you the whole time but you wouldn’t listen. We couldn’t stand alone against these pedophiles because they’re men and we’re just women. Where are the Christians? You stood up to me but not these monsters?

She talks about the sacrifice of children to pharmaceutical companies, Big Pharma, and how anyone can walk into Planned Parenthood and walk out with hormones.

Your children can get irrepably damaged by hormone treatments that destroy their fertility and surgeries... just by walking into an office of any Planned Parenthood and talking to a rubber stamp doctor for ten minutes. How the fuck are you okay with this?

Your children are told that every person has a “gender identity” and that this supercedes the animal reality of the sexed body and the typical rhythms of life that our ancestors have experienced for millions of years, long before we were able to describe any of it in words.

Trans women are men. Trans women are shadow monsters. This is wrong. Why was it left to the ghost of Lily Cade to say it, when you all, every single one of you, know the truth?

They are only able to speak Newspeak and not cringe in horror from the evil of it because they are programmed by the cult. The only way to stop the cult is to stand up to it.

Castrate the Android instead of your kids. Live Free or Die. Burn Twitter. Hack TikTok. Ice Facebook. Burn it to the ground. How dare they do this to your children and stand another day! No man needs a smartphone. A man needs food, water, and shelter from the elements. Everything else is a fucking luxury.

She extends the metaphor here of "pedophile" to:

America stood up to a pedophile cult once. Lincoln stood up to the pedophile cult. Took a bullet for it, because Abraham Lincoln, now there was a man with some fucking balls. The South was a pedophile cult. Children sold in public, raped, beaten, their minds and bodies twisted, young girls tortured to serve the shadow. They were proud to be a pedophile cult. They contrusted the divide between the races with fake science and lies, to justify what they were doing to the masses who weren’t rich enough to join the cult.

It was about the labor, too, but more about the rape than the labor.They constructed the society around slavery because it allowed them to rape girls and then break their hearts by selling their children. If it had been just about labor, they could have imported indentured servants, but then they couldn’t rape them and sell their children and rape their children. They made up stuff about how black people didn’t have feelings, not because they believed that, but so that those idiot peasants didn’t rise up and slit their throats. They were supposedly Christians, after all. They were armed. If they’d been able to understand those black girls as people, the men of the South would have risen up against the pedophile overlords themselves, but they were cowed. They loved the bootlicking so much. They took the easy path. They were stupid. They believed the lies because lies are easy.

There is a ton more here, but she repeats her self a lot in the last essay, but I feel this is an important quote, where once again, she's talking about people killing off their personas and coming back to reality, just like she had to:

I hate these shadow monsters. I want the true souls, the real men’s souls, that can still rise from the ashes of these shadow monsters to rise.

Note - feel free to disagree with my interpretation, I won't be offended, I just thought people should see what she is actually saying, and I know it's so offensive people are having trouble reading it.


womenopausalwitchbabe🧙‍♀️👶November 3, 2021

Thanks for all the work you put into this /u/Mikkal - it's very much appreciated.

Nediljka_OrwellPITA croneNovember 3, 2021

Wow. I like this gal very much. That’s some very fine raw writing goin’ on there. Thanks for the introduction.

[Deleted]November 3, 2021

Thanks you for making this, there is some great stuff in there.

What do you guys think of her addressing herself to men and saying women can't win this fight so real men need to step up?

Mikkal [OP]November 3, 2021

I she says that lesbians are out here - yelling into the void - an no one has listened. As this has been going on since Mich Fest, this attack on lesbians, and while the push back is growing, women have been fighting this alone for a long time.

She calls out mothers as a group too - Mothers, why aren't you protecting your children from this?

Gay men - where have you been?

I think men needing to step up is just one of the groups she's calling out for ignoring it all.

DoomedSibylNovember 3, 2021(Edited November 3, 2021)

If you read the entire essay she calls ALL of us out for the corruption of our souls. I honestly kind of loved it. And it inspired me to be even more brave and determined in the cause of truth. Ok, one of the things she said was throw away our pocket propaganda machines and burn social media to the ground and I’m writing this on my phone. But I know she’s right about that too. That and so many other things are poisoning not only our bodies but our souls. Lily Cade might need an editor and maybe her mouth washed out but she told the truth. Called out not just the girldick nonsense but pedophiles, rapists, porn and prostitution and all of the rot at the center of our society. Truth to power indeed.

Mikkal [OP]November 3, 2021(Edited November 3, 2021)

I cut out most the insulting language - because she does spend a lot of time calling out "you" - the reader, the person reading her essay. She's a kind of scapegoat for the horror of the porn industry - her personally - not the whole system of abuse that she was tangled in. The powerful people directing it all get off scott free - she took the fall.

The only really "official" journalistic investigation I could find was an article with a long list of people that had been accused of misconduct in the industry... by Cosmopolitan of all places.

I get where she's coming from in that regard - when I object to my convicted pedophile father from spending time alone with children, I'm labeled the vindictive, nasty, horrible woman who wants to deprive him of his friends and his one happiness in life.

And for a long time I held myself responsible for not preventing him from abusing his other victims. Of course - I did try to stop it. No one else did. At least I have that.

I think what gets me about the language - is this is how poor people talk. Not all poor people. But there is a total subset of our world on the fringes where this kind of talk - the insults, the trash talk, the vulgarness - it's all normal.

So in some way, I can't help but feel that saying "wow that's vulgar" is elitist and snobbery. I mean - Trump - part of his appeal is he talks like a piece of white trash. I've dealt with this in the workplace, where being polite is valued, and talking straight from the hip is seen as uncultured and trashy.

It's genuinely one of the reason Black people at a place I worked at couldn't get ahead and white middle class college students were promoted - our black employees grew up in a poverty culture that says speaking truthfully about what you think is more important than being polite. There isn't this value on sparing people's feelings. Being polite and well mannered and cultured is what the business owner class wants from their employees. But it's not what is valued in the dark places of the world, manners and politeness get you killed. (This is true of white poverty culture too, it's not just a black/white thing - but it gets called "black" and we ignore it's a part of white poverty culture as well).

I grew up on the edge of poverty - I watched people fall into drug use, I saw people talk this way to their children, parents calling their children all the names in her writings or worse - I was taught to be polite and middle class in theory, but was never around middle class people to learn it in practice, I was a duck out of water. But I was able to learn it and adapt eventually - not everyone can.

And that is a privilege I have. I hate that word, it's over used so much. But here, it is appropriate. It's part of the "Newspeak" she's rejecting, right?

I think there is some truth to the idea that with victims, whores, the poor, homeless people - it's easy to have sympathy in the abstract, but when confronted with the reality of the depravity and the violence and the brokeness, it's tough to have sympathy.

And we've seen a lot of the depravity and the violence and the brokenness in the trans community - and it's fair to call it out as well.

DoomedSibylNovember 3, 2021(Edited November 3, 2021)

I’ve straddled the worlds of poverty and suffering and the world of the middle and educated class too. From childhood to the present now that I come to think of it. I came up hard as an emancipated teen dropped in eighties Philadelphia and Manhattan, my first home in the city being a notorious flop house. I still have to watch my mouth around “nice” people. I also got a bit of formal education by being quick on my feet. Perhaps that is why I loved her essay, besides that truth shone off it like a beacon. I’m a lifelong reader both deep and wide and in terms of the feeling this gave me I was reminded of Fitzgerald’s The Crack Up (another essay criticized for being naked) and Faulkner’s Nobel acceptance speech for its clarion call to truth and honor. Finally, I’ve felt the kind of rage, pain and trauma around the reproductive form of sexual slavery. I understood. I was surprised to find so much pearl clutching in a radfem space honestly. Aren’t we supposed to be for the victims of the global pornstitution industry? Just what do we think traumatized victims are like? Especially veterans/survivors of the sex trade? Then again, in the last few months I’ve seen just how deep internalized misogyny is even in women who are real feminists (I.e. not libfems).

[Deleted]November 3, 2021(Edited November 3, 2021)

I took it to mean that men need to 'take out their own trash', so to speak.

shewolfoffrance🦕November 3, 2021

Women are only half the population, and many of them support this nonsense. There's a lot of pressure on "cis" women to not be "transphobic." Men get only a fraction of it. Since men's spaces and rights aren't targeted, they can easily ignore the erosion of women and children's rights, privacy, and dignity.

Personally, my hope is that enough media attention is shed on cases like Loudoun County that men will step up to protect the women and girls in their lives.

SunnyspotsNovember 4, 2021

I think this will age well, and be referenced often. The Rage of Lilly Cade

[Deleted]November 3, 2021
[Deleted]November 3, 2021