Concerning Lily Cade's blogs
Posted November 3, 2021 by Iman in GenderCritical

I'm quite disappointed to see women here who are supposedly "gender critical" dismiss this woman so readily when it came to her "obviously unhinged " blogs like are you serious?? You're embarrassing and this is part of the reason it's getting increasingly hard to call myself GC. She was being attacked even by the ones who proudly call themselves TERFs you'd think they'd understand her a bit, but all these labels apparently mean we're pacifist and throw other women under the bus when it's bad optics. She is still a woman who is standing up to this ideology her own way, who has been abused herself but I guess it doesn't matter because "she makes us look bad" incredible. Her writing style is powerful and her rage is what's needed and being angry and reading women like her being rightfully angry as well is what made me see this ideology for what it is and because I felt that rage myself as should all of us. I just hate the absolute lack of female solidarity when it's inconvenient, like not even trying to understand her perspective just immediately villainizing her so we could be perceived as "the good ones". I guess im just disillusioned by how quickly these GCs were to paint her as this violent monster & compare her to TRAS like wtf?? also calling her mentally unstable, schizophrenic …and these are supposed to be feminists the fucking irony

Btw I'm not even gonna delve into her sexual assaults which she apologized and took full responsibility for, and the whole porn industry that she took part in as I obviously condemn it

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