A transcript of Twitter tweets I just saw
GC: If your "authentic self" requires:
-Cross-sex hormones -Plastic surgeries -External validation -The willingness of everyone to lie about how they perceive you...
... it might not be so authentic.
TRA: So you’re saying:
… Are not authentic?
GC: Oh so you can't read. All right, I will repeat.
I am saying that changing virtually everything about oneself is the literal opposite of self-acceptance.
Btw I've yet to meet a woman who threaten suicide for not having HRT & who claims she needs it to reach her "authentic self"
I need to change my name, my pronouns, my facial features, my genitals, my legal documents, my hormones and my voice, and then and only then will I be my true self".
Yeah no. That is absolutely incoherrent.
TRA: I take it your against marriage then? Changing name, title, legal documents etc. in order for a relationship to be truly accepted.
GC:I've never heard someone claiming they NEED to change their name after marriage in order to reach their "true self" and not commit suicide.
TRA:Do you think it’s because no one has kept them from changing their last name? A lot of ppl see their new last name as their true self as it represents their family unit
It was here the GC gave up