OutHereInTheDeepNovember 4, 2023(Edited November 4, 2023)

Before I peaked I worked in a hospital and was absolutely scandalized to hear the staff refer to trans patients by their biological sex. I figured that the science had been settled and they must know twaw, right? Surely it was all over their medical journals, the miracles of modern medicine which had managed to successfully turn a man into a woman and safely turn puberty on and off at will for children who were truly suffering.

Spoiler alert: it was not. Clinical staff know what you are and it doesn’t matter how you identify.

HildegardVonBees [OP]November 3, 2023

Archive: https://archive.ph/vpxtp

Nursing health care professionals were significantly more likely to agree with statements like "I believe a person can never change their gender" or "I think there is something wrong with a person who says they are neither a man nor a woman" compared to other health care professionals and non-health care professionals.

Because nurses know their biology.

It’s not clear where the participants were from, but the researchers are from the UK.

Here is the original journal article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20762

TheKnittaNovember 3, 2023

That’s not ‘bias’, that’s simple scientific knowledge. You can’t change sex, and the majority of transgender people have a mental illness (if not all).

They’re so desperately trying to make it the same as being homosexual, aren’t they?

BlackCirce🔮🐖🐖🐖November 3, 2023

I’m shocked that women who know what sex is are implicitly biased against people who can get them fired for acknowledging sex

Artemis_Lives🏹November 4, 2023

How dare biology have a bias against transgender people.

crodishfuck this earthNovember 4, 2023(Edited November 4, 2023)

I heard monkeypox and prostate cancer are really fucking transphobic

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitNovember 4, 2023

"...likely to conflate sex and gender identity."

SIGH. 🤦🏽

Unicornkindrad.orgNovember 3, 2023

What does "higher bias" even mean in terms of patient outcomes? "Transphobic statements" good grief. "Nurses are guilty of wrongthink!"

The standard classification for this test lists values over 0.15 as "slightly biased," and over 0.35 and 0.65 as "moderately" and "strongly" biased, respectively.

Non-health care professionals on average reported a D-score of 0.116, which is considered to mean that they have little to no bias. However, health care professionals (non-nursing), reported an elevated score of 0.149, which is on the edge of what is considered to be "slightly biased." The average D-score for nursing health care professionals was 0.176, which falls clearly within the range of "slightly biased."

The title is pretty clickbait-y. Nurses are so close to the edge of "slightly biased." The minimum is 0.15, and nurses got 0.176, so 0.026 above the bare minimum. 0.35 would be "moderately biased" which they are so far away from. What a nothing-burger.

Nursing health care professionals were significantly more likely to agree with statements like "I believe a person can never change their gender" or "I think there is something wrong with a person who says they are neither a man nor a woman" compared to other health care professionals and non-health care professionals.

Neither of these statements are controversial. I dislike the "change their gender" statement because gender is an arbitrary social construct, so the statement can be manipulated to mean whatever the data collectors want it to mean. Sex is not gender. A better statement would be "I believe a person can never change their sex." There is little ambiguity there. Or the researchers need to clarify explicitly what they mean by "gender."

And for "I think there is something wrong with a person who says they are neither a man nor a woman" I can't believe we live in a time where its considered controversial or "biased" to agree this. For the greater than 99% of people who are born without a DSD (intersex) that complicates their sex, yes, there is something "wrong" with them if they believe they are neither a man or a woman.

If a nurse would agree with the statement "I believe there is something wrong with a person who says they are a reincarnated god" would that make the nurse "biased" against people who have delusional thoughts? Just because a nurse might think there is something "wrong" as in, strange or uncommon, with a person who is experiencing delusional thoughts, doesn't mean they are automatically going to treat them worse.

A nurse's job is to care about their patient's health, not to adhere to their patients spiritual or religious beliefs and delusional thoughts.

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitNovember 4, 2023

Honestly I'm surprised anyone volunteered to do this, but it looks like it was anonymous.

Funny how out of all healthcare professionals, they chose the branch of healthcare dominated by women to do this test.

TheKnittaNovember 4, 2023

Good call. Curious, that.

UnderstandersonNovember 4, 2023

I thought this was going to be about how healthcare professionals expect trans patients to be mentally ill and high maintenance, which is frequently true.

[Deleted]November 4, 2023(Edited November 4, 2023)

I was 100% thinking the same thing. ‘Healthcare professionals are more biased against trans ppl than the higher population and nurses are the highest of healthcare prof’.

And I wonder why that is .

Nurses who along with care assistants have the most patient time and so are exposed most to TIPs and everything they… err… ‘bring’ with them to the table. Seriously, I would love to know what is said privately in some healthcare professionals conversations. I reckon a good amount of them are GC based on their interactions with TIPs

crodishfuck this earthNovember 4, 2023(Edited November 4, 2023)

Yeah it's "biased" in the same way most people are "biased" to "believe" that the world is round. Feelings aren't facts, the world will remain round even if everyone became a flat earther, and humans can't change sex, and gender is bullshit.

Spencer_ShayyNovember 4, 2023

Let me guess, the "bias" is they won't validate their fetishes or made up "genders"? There is literally no group on earth more privileged than "trans" people. Well, except men.

Carrots90Nepo LadyNovember 4, 2023

Add one more to that…thanks

PotionsNovember 4, 2023
