Not sure why I'm posting or why this affects me so much, but I need to vent about it. Hope you ladies are okay with it.
I have been incommunicado with my (now ex?? estranged??) TIM friend, but he recently posted on his social media that he was on his way to Montreal for "girly things" (oh my god eyeroll), and in the comments it was confirmed he got a neovagina.
It was just over a year ago that I remember him telling me how transphobic the medical system was because he had to wait a full year to get this elective surgery. He was coming off of a divorce and waiting to find out how much money he'd get out of it (spoiler, it was a lot), and I tried to convince him to take some time to figure out who he was as a person before jumping into surgery and I got an earful about how it's inhumane to have to wait so long, he's been out as trans for a year and a half now (as a 33 year old) so he knows exactly who he is and this is the right thing.
I'm sad he hasn't come to his senses. I'm sad he has taken such a drastic action to solidify this season of his life. I'm sad that my friend is likely gone forever and has been replaced by a crude drawing of a talking Malibu Stacey doll.
My heart goes out to all of you ladies who have lost friends and partners to this cult.
Correct pronoun use by the paper, and correct sexing by the police spokesperson!
And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.