I absolutely love Maria BC. She's an experimental folk/slow-core/dream-pop artist with a stunning first album Hyaline. Her second album came out this year and I decided to read some reviews (never read anything about her before) and at first I'm confused that maybe Maria BC is not a person but a whole band, as the reviews keep saying things like "their first full-length album". As I read on I realise.... she has told everyone to refer to her as they/them.
It's irritating and makes the reviews really hard to read, I can't get past the stupid plural pronouns and it keeps tripping me up, my brain thinks it's referring to a group of people.
So I paste the reviews into MS Word and do a search & replace. That's better.
Then I go back to listen to her new record but now it just annoys me hearing her beautiful female vocal and knowing she is into this stupid fucking NB/trans shit. I felt like she really understood what it meant to experience life, you know when an artist really touches you? Now I just think, what the fuck. She's an idiot. Her music isn't authentic. That feeling that she saw me? It's all smoke and mirrors, it's all a lie and a sham. She isn't seeing into the heart or the truth of anything. She's shallow and pretentious.
I try to get past it but now even her old record, that I've played so many times, annoys me.
Anyone else get this? Is that it? Is my love affair with Maria BC just over? It feels like a betrayal.
(Aside: I don't care for Billie Eilish's music but I was happy to see that although she doesn't "feel like a woman" - hardly surprising when you see what young women are told being a woman means - she at least isn't wanting to play the stupid pronoun game).
Correct pronoun use by the paper, and correct sexing by the police spokesperson!
And yet the sun stayed on its axis and kept spinning, day did not turn to night, the seas did not boil, nor the skies fall to earth, and nobody died as a result of sexed pronoun use We were told this wasn’t possible.